Maxwell GeoSystems are experienced Geotechnical Engineers with decades of boots-on-the-ground experience of major construction and infrastructure projects. We’re also Data Management Specialists who know how to acquire, process dynamically connect data to help project stakeholders make timely decisions, manage risk and optimise resources throughout the duration of a project.
At the core of our business is the innovative MissionOS - a powerful and flexible data management system for the acquisition, monitoring and analysis of geotechnical and other project-related data.
Maxwell GeoSystems’ MissionOS provides its clients a highly customisable user-friendly dashboard for key project data.
If you just need the details but want confidence you are getting the true up to the minute status of your projects then MissionOS has information rich Construction project dashboard designed to cut through the detail and get to the point. Each MissionOS dashboard has been custom designed to fit the client's needs. Each dashboard enables users to quickly drill down further to detailed information as desired.
TBM dashboards can be designed to suit specific needs such as this one for a slurry TBM control system.
TBM progress summary dashboards show up to the minute details of machines with the ability to review trends against design parameters.
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