The Lowest Price 635nm Red Laser Diode Module

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red laser diode module makes good job for laser marking, laser engraving, drilling system, scientific experiment and lab experiment etc.

Any time users are looking for a low price and high stability dot measurement, either it is pointing at close or long distance, it is operating easy and quick with a Berlinlasers 635nm red laser diode module. It applies an import 635nm red laser diode within 5mW to 100mW. After special use of a metal heat sink cooling system inside 16mm and 26mm diameter tube, only if there is enough space leaving for tube cooling down, it gets good laser light cycling use and highly stable red dot alignment in long lasting use.
On basis of easy use of 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply, this red laser diode module easily gets highly visible red laser beam at several miles far away, but also makes good job for highly clear dot indication at great distance of 25 meters and high lighting. A correct output power made red laser makes good job for laser marking, laser engraving, drilling system, scientific experiment and lab experiment etc.
