Hunting Country _ Dancing _ txt Novel Paradise

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In addition,304 stainless steel wire, what makes Xia Ya a little strange is that in this huge palace, besides the solemn and dignified feeling brought by these magnificent buildings, what brings people more is a kind of lifeless feeling! Yes-lifeless!.

After a night's rest, Xia Ya did not sleep well that night. I don't know why, the mysterious warrior he met during the day always appeared in his dream. In his sleep, he recalled countless times the suffocating oppression that the guy brought to him. Shaya woke up twice in the middle of the night, and each time he woke up, his heart was filled with depression. Tubie's heart, self-esteem touched a little, thinking of his own day, in the face of that guy, the feeling of powerlessness-standing in front of the mysterious warrior at that time, he put Buddha is a mole ant at the foot of the giant, a little rash action, the other side can easily obliterate himself-that sense of powerlessness, so that Xia Ya's heart is very weak. There is a faint sense of humiliation. In the morning, Xia Ya got up very early, sat at the head of the bed, suddenly saw the fire fork beside him, reached out and took it in his hand. The heavy and cold feel of the fire fork dispelled some of the depression in Xia Ya's heart. Still too weak- "Shaya said to himself:" I am too weak. But how can we become stronger? I wanted to ask the fat man about the mysterious warrior master when Ruhr came during the day, but after waiting all morning, the rabbit general did not show up,Stainless Steel Decorative Pipe, and the guards of Ruhr who stayed here did not know. Shaya went to see Yulia, who lived inside, and talked with the depressed Yulia for a while. It was almost noon when suddenly someone outside came to report that an emissary had come from the palace. Shaya immediately went out of the door and saw Dodoro at the gate of the courtyard, with a respectful smile on his face, leading a middle-aged man in. A carriage was parked outside the gate of the courtyard, and several warriors in silver armor stood on both sides with axes. The middle-aged man was dressed in a linen grey robe, wearing a somewhat ridiculous fat trousers, with a layer of powder on his face,brushed stainless steel sheet, looking frighteningly white, with a bit of arrogance on his face, holding his head slightly high, but pointing his nostrils at people. The man walked in with his hands on his back, ignoring Dodoro next to him, coughing, but his voice was very strange-let's say, it was a very hoarse voice, but the tone was eerily sharp. Where is Xia Ya Lei Ming? The palace emissary saw the woodlouse coming out of the door and glanced at it. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Well, is that you?" Shaya nodded and came up to meet him, looking at the emissary from the court. Suddenly I thought of one thing-I once heard the fat man say that many of the attendants in the palace were castrated men. Thinking of this idea, Tubie's eyes could not help glancing at the man's crotch, but the trousers were fat, 304 Stainless Steel Flat Steel ,304 Stainless Steel Pipe, but nothing could be seen from the appearance, but the man's lips and chin were clean and slippery, without any beard. Your Majesty, the Holy Emperor, has an order. Xia Ya Lei Ming, you go with me to see Your Majesty at once. The palace emissary's tone was haughty. With a snort, he took out a handkerchief and shook it. He wiped his nose and the corners of his mouth. He frowned and said, "Why are you staring at me like that?"! Go and change your clothes! You look so dirty that you can see your majesty! Dodoro next to him couldn't help giggling and quickly turned around. Shaya stared and looked at his clothes. Although he had two beautiful clothes, when he went out the day before yesterday, he was smashed by the guys who attacked him and threw them away. This This is already my best dress. Shaya scratched her hair. "That." The emperor wants to see me now? "That can still be fake!"! Hurry up and go with me! The court messenger shook his head. When Shaya followed him out, he heard the court emissary snorting, "Dirty hillbilly.." Xia Ya is not angry, but the eyes are always unavoidable in the palace messenger's crotch sweeping around, see more, can not help but their own expression is somewhat strange up. The carriage outside was not for Shaya, and the palace emissary got into the carriage. But Xia Ya can only obediently led his horse, joined the team, all the way to the palace. The palace was in the northeast corner of the imperial capital, all the way through the city. In front of the procession, there were palace guards in silver armor riding horses and holding axes to open the way. Wherever they went, pedestrians on the road dodged far away and made way. Xia Ya followed the team, looking around, but found that the pedestrians on the road have cast a look of awe, but the fear of the elements are mostly, but very little respect. Osgiliya's palace was first built at the beginning of the founding of the country. It was only a castle at the beginning. After thousands of years of expansion by emperors, it has formed a huge palace group, which is also recognized as the most magnificent palace group on the mainland. Walking to the east of the city, I saw a round castle spire in the distance, with the imperial flag flying on it. The open continent was flat and tidy. In front of the castle was a ten-meter canal, which surrounded the whole palace and formed a city within a city. The castle, on the other hand, was only the entrance to the palace. After crossing the suspension bridge, the palace guards in bright red robes stood on both sides of the bridge, holding long axes and guns, and passed through the gates under the castle before they entered the inner square of the palace. Seeing the buildings in front of him, one by one, the magnificent palaces were continuous, forming a group of palaces that looked magnificent, which made Shaya stare at once. The court emissary also got out of the carriage and glanced at Shaya. "What are you still doing in the carriage?"? Hurry down and follow me. Don't look around. Don't walk around. Shaya wanted to take a closer look at the legendary palace, but after passing through several long corridors and bypassing several huge buildings and palaces, Tubie soon found himself lost. This place is too big. And it's too lonely. On the way, only occasional groups of palace guards in fine armor were seen patrolling, while in the distance, several palace attendants were seen walking fast with their heads down, full of caution. In addition,304 stainless steel wire, what makes Xia Ya a little strange is that in this huge palace, besides the solemn and dignified feeling brought by these magnificent buildings, what brings people more is a kind of lifeless feeling! Yes-lifeless!.
