Ghost Blows Out the Lamp Jingjue Ancient City _ Infinite Novel Network _

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Cao Zilin seemed to be thinking about what to say to me,magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, the line of sight stayed on me for a long time, she turned her head, confused eyes do not know where to look.

I said, "Of course it's easy to do this. But have you ever thought about why the explorers who have been here before didn't take them away? Those foreigners are not good things. To put it nicely, they are explorers. To put it bluntly, they are thieves who come to China to steal things. You know, thieves don't go empty." Shirley Yang said, "I know what you mean. Are you saying that they will never enter the treasure mountain and return empty-handed? The reason why these treasures are left here intact is that there are traps like traps and beasts below." I said, "Yes, that's what it means. There is no pie in the sky. The simpler it looks, the more complicated it is to do.". Do you remember when Amrit said there was an ancient curse in the Black Desert? Whoever takes the treasure in the black desert will be buried in the black desert forever with the treasure. Shirley Yang said, "This legend is also recorded in Records of the Western Regions of the Great Tang Dynasty. The city buried in the black desert is called Jieluojialai.". I don't think this curse is a problem. Professor Chen is an archaeologist and won't touch these things casually. What I'm most worried about is your fat partner. You have to watch him. "How do you say that?" I said angrily. "We both look like thieves."? I tell you that we are poor and ambitious, I can use my head to guarantee that as long as I say that things here can not be touched, my brother will never take it. You'd better take care of yourself first. In the year of Gengzi, the Eight-Power Allied Forces came to China to kill and set fire, and robbed us of many good things. Is America one of the eight countries? Who are you to think we're thieves? Shirley Yang was so angry that her face turned white. "So I look like a thief to you?" As soon as I thought that she had saved me no matter what she said, what I had just said was really a bit too much, so I had to be patient and apologize, and the two of them went back the way they had come. This time neither of them spoke any more, and the atmosphere was so dull that it was frightening. Professor Chen and others had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and when they saw that we had finally returned, they asked for details. I got a pot of water in the underground river and described the following situation as I drank. Shirley Yang added another part. Professor Chen and his students heard that there was indeed a hole in the sky below. The fat man was overjoyed to hear that there were a large number of funerary objects below. How could he wait? He immediately set off into the gate of the tomb. I walked at the end. When I went in,Magnesium Sulphate producer, I touched the gate. If it fell down, no one could get out. But there were so many explosives, so there was no need to worry. Thinking of this, I felt relieved. I bowed my head and walked into the tomb passage. People were busy preparing rope ladders on the platform. I estimated that at this time, it was useless for me to persuade them, so I had to tell the fat man not to take the things below. I didn't believe the bullshit curse, but I couldn't let Shirley Yang seize the handle. We had to win glory for our people. The fat man said, "Don't worry, Lao Hu. We are also a man. We can't fall down. No matter what we have this time, I won't take any mouse hair." He thought and added, Magnesium Nitrate Fertilizer ,Magnesium Oxide price, "If you want to take it, you can take it when you come back." After the rope ladder was put in place, I was still the first to go down as a vanguard. I saw that there was no sign of mice around here, and at first I thought there might be a strange black snake below, so the mice didn't dare to come down. But when I went down, I found it was dead silent, not to mention rats and poisonous snakes, not even a small insect and ant. There are many bronze lampstands nailed on the rock wall nearby, all of which are made into the shape of lamp slaves. They kneel down on their knees and hold the lamp in their hands. The lamp oil in the lamp has already been burned dry. These copper lamps are one by one, and there are not many at all. They can be taken out and put on the market at random. With this craft, this age, this origin, and this history, they are absolutely worth a lot of money. Standing on a pile of treasure, my heart is shaking. I have to hold back. I can't do it without concentration. The only way is not to look at those good things and distract my attention as much as possible. I blew the whistle, and the people waiting for the signal climbed down the rope ladder one after another. Everyone who came down was shocked by the mountain of treasures, so many rare treasures, were all from the western countries, even Professor Chen can't name these treasures one by one, but one thing is certain, which one is worth a lot. The fat man's eyes were so straight that he forgot his promise to me on the platform and reached out to grab a jade flagon at the nearest place. I hastened to pull the fat man and whispered to him, "How can you talk like a fart? Didn't you agree not to move the things here?" The fat man was stupefied for a moment before he came to his senses. "It's so ***ing strange. Just now my hand was out of control. I said in my heart, don't move, but I couldn't control my hand." I said, "Don't make excuses. I think you are motivated by money subjectively. Don't stand here and go forward quickly." Then I turned to look at Shirley Yang, who was busy helping the professor down the rope ladder with Chu Jian, not noticing the fat man's actions. I asked Chu Jian, "Why did you come down? Didn't you take care of Ye Yixin on the platform?" Chu Jian said, "Elder brother, I want to have a look at the ancient tomb below. I will go back after I have a look." Not only him, but also all the people present can't wait to see the coffin of Queen Jingjue. It's legendary. Although it may be dangerous, no one can restrain their curiosity here, especially those who specialize in archaeology. Professor Chen had just climbed down from the rope ladder. He was so tired that he panted. He said to me,Magnesium Oxide powder, "Let them have a look. This is a rare learning opportunity. It is also good to gain knowledge.". No matter how powerful the queen was, she has been dead for two thousand years now, and the country she ruled was captured by slaves after her death. There should be no danger. Let's just remember the principle of archaeologists and never damage anything here. 。
