Unexpected Beauty (1 female n male)

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Cao Zilin seemed to be thinking about what to say to me,magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, the line of sight stayed on me for a long time, she turned her head, confused eyes do not know where to look.

Windy city after hearing the words, eyebrows slightly open, came to us, and Cao Zilin face still looks gloomy, the side of the year Xirui naturally not much better. Windy City will take over from me to support Ye Wuhen. "No trace, it's great that you can wake up." Although the tone is joyful, the expression is still dignified. Ye Wuheng slanted his head to Windy City, but his eyes did not keep up with him. Windy City saw him, and his face became more and more worried. Is it the Windy City? Let you worry about. 。」 Ye Wuhen pulled the corners of his mouth weakly, while Windy City looked at him, shaking his lips and opening his mouth. I won't be able to reply for a while. I quickly said, "Come on, drink some water first." I brought the teacup to the dry and cracked lips of the leaves. "Be careful. Drink slowly. Don't choke." Tsao Tzu-lin and Nian Hsi-jui came to the bedside, and when I had finished feeding the water, Nian Hsi-jui immediately asked with concern, "No trace, do you feel all right?" "It's Zuo Jiao Wei, isn't it? Thank you for saving Zuo Jiao Wei's life this time." When Nian Xirui saw Ye Wuhen's appearance, he also had a heavy face. People in the church are supposed to help each other, which is not a life-saving grace, not to mention that it was Yunsheng who really saved you. Take a good rest without a trace. With Yunsheng's care, I believe you will recover completely in a few days. When Ye Wuhen heard this,Magnesium Oxide MgO, a gentle smile appeared on my face, and so did his tone. "Thanks to Yunsheng." Windy City frowned invisibly, while Cao Zilin's eyes showed obvious pain. I couldn't bear to see it, so I replied, "Before I came here, Dharma Protector Cao had been taking care of you for several days without sleep. You should thank Dharma Protector Cao, too." Cao Zilin heard my words and looked at me in surprise, as if she didn't expect me to suddenly mention her. "Thank you, too,diammonium phosphate fertilizer, Dharma Protector Tsao." Ye Wuhen is still facing my direction, smiling, but the tone has faded down. Originally, I thought that the flat tone was just my illusion, but when I saw the tears in Cao Zilin's eyes, I knew that I was not the only one who heard it. She took a deep breath, then answered with a calmness that did not match her expression: "You're welcome." After saying that, she seemed to burst into tears and ran out of the door with her mouth covered. I looked at Nian Xirui subconsciously and saw him looking anxiously at the door. I pushed his shoulder and he turned his head. I gave him a "I understand" look and pointed the direction of the door with my chin, signaling him to chase him out. Nian Xirui looked at me with some surprise, but hesitated and shook his head at me. I see the helplessness in his eyes, but also understand his intention, like Cao Zilin such a strong personality, let her leave her tears may be better. When the other doctors heard the news, they were delighted with Ye Wuhen's awakening. After taking turns to examine him, in order to avoid accidentally saying unoptimistic words in front of Ye Wuhen and affecting his mood, caustic calcined magnesite ,calcium nitrate sol, I asked Fengcheng and Nian Xirui to stay with him, and then moved to another room in the courtyard with the doctors to discuss Ye Wuhen's condition. We all agreed that Ye Wuhen's physical injuries were not serious, and that the next step was to consolidate the foundation and cultivate the vitality with the decoction of invigorating Qi and blood, so as not to fall into the root of the disease. When discussing the part of blindness, I found that the doctors here had no research on brain injury, and even wanted to apply needles to the acupoints around the eyes, but in fact the congestion compressed the optic nerve of the brain, and the needles around the eyes did not help. In particular, I tried to explain the structure of the brain and the causes of the sequelae of craniocerebral trauma in the simplest way. In the end, everyone thought that it was too risky to apply acupuncture to the acupoints on the head to activate blood circulation. After all, we could only use drugs as a simple assistant, waiting for the traceless brain to absorb blood clots by itself. After deciding on the list of medicinal materials, several doctors went back to their rooms to see Ye Wuhen, several doctors went back to the hospital to fill the medicine, and I went to the kitchen to prepare some nutritious liquid food. Usually I only go back and forth between Ye Wuhen's room and the dining room, but now on the way to the kitchen with the maid, I find that the Changzhou branch covers a large area, and I have to go through many courtyards to get to the kitchen. I had been listening attentively to the maid explaining to me which courtyard was inhabited by which people, what and where, but out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a thin figure in the pavilion not far away. Cao Zilin just sat there, her thin shoulders hanging down. She turned her back to me, and I couldn't see her expression, but the back was full of loss and loneliness. ___________________ Originally wanted to reply to everyone's message, there is a lot of nonsense to say, but the mood is suddenly not very good, and now the eyes are almost closed, let's talk next time. I paused, but still decided to leave quickly with the maid, at this time Cao Zilin suddenly turned his head, I suddenly and her line of sight. Her eyes were red and swollen, her face was full of tears, and she could not tell what emotion was in my eyes. I was still thinking about whether to go over or say hello with a smile, but Tsao Tzu-lin had already stood up and nodded to me: "Saint, can we talk about it?" Her face was cold, her tone was cold as usual, and I felt that she might be looking for me, and I hesitated for a moment. But I think two people are in this branch, even if not today, there will be other days, it is better to simply face, anyway, soldiers will block, water to soil flooding. So I nodded to her, explained to the maid how to prepare the food for Ye Wuheng, and then went to the pavilion. Cao Zilin and I looked at each other awkwardly for a moment, and then she pulled the corners of her mouth shallowly: "Saint, please sit down!" I sat down on the stone chair, and then Cao Zilin sat down opposite me. For a moment and a half, they were silent again. You. What do you want to talk to me about? I said first. Cao Zilin seemed to be thinking about what to say to me,magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, the line of sight stayed on me for a long time, she turned her head, confused eyes do not know where to look. stargrace-magnesite.com
