Lighter-Qiao Ye

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On the tenth day, Xiao Chen,Dissolved Gas Flotation, who was on their way, suddenly found that there was a little light coming out in front of them, which was very incongruous in the dark underworld.

"What bet?" She laughed. "Just play for a while." Just last year, her brother-in-law had a high gambling debt because of "Pai Gow". She and her brother-in-law divorced. Finally, the little finger of his left hand was cut off, and they continued to live together. I'm listening to Tao. "Where?" "Tingtao Hotel." "Oh." She paused for a moment, probably playing cards, and then suddenly realized, "Oh, it's where Chairman Mao lived!" Then I heard her explain to people, "My sister." "Mmm." I said, "Come here." "Medium." She said, "Wait for me to play two more.". If I win, I'll go. Two After washing, I opened my suitcase and looked at it again. There was nothing extra. I came in a hurry and the meeting was short, so my luggage preparation was the simplest. I took another walk to the bathroom and packed up the toiletries for my sister. As long as you pack up these consumables, the waiter will add them every day. My experience of many years in guesthouses is to pack them up and take them home. Even though I don't use it, if there are guests coming, they can use it. Pecially a disposable toothbrush. That time my sister sent my daughter to college to live in my house. I gave her these. She even praised these toothbrushes, so I gave her all my stock. After wrapping the toiletries, I took a look at the toilet paper. It was Vida's. It was good. He called the guest room center again and asked for two rolls of toilet paper, saying that I had an urgent need-also for my sister. I didn't bring anything to my sister this time. At least I let her take something away, and I felt at ease. Of course, I can give her money, but,Rotating sludge scraper, give her money, no name, no share, why should I give it? My life is better than my sister's. My sister has always thought so, and I have always thought so. That's what everyone thinks. Those who have a good life have the obligation to subsidize those who have a bad life, especially between brothers and sisters. As I grow older, I see this. And our four brothers and sisters, two brothers have sister-in-law watching,Wall Penstocks, it is impossible to give my sister subsidies, because I have been in charge of housekeeping, economic rights are quite free, giving my sister subsidies has become a matter of course. At first, I gave it all the time, and then I gave it in moderation. Because it's a bottomless pit. She has a lot of things to do: she wants to buy fertilizer, she wants to build a house, her brother-in-law gambles and owes usury and is pressed by the underworld for debts, her eldest daughter goes to college, and her second daughter goes to high school. In order to give birth to a son, she gave birth to six children in a row, did three children and left three children. Now her baby son Xiaogan is about to graduate from primary school. It must be admitted that every time she thinks that 10% to 20% of the money she earns has I feel wronged. Besides, what if I help her again? I will never be able to bring her up to my standard of living. Like me, she can never eat abalone, eat bird's nest, go to Beijing, lamella clarifer ,MBR reactor, go to Shanghai, go abroad. So far, the farthest place she has been to is the provincial capital, and the best banquet she has ever eaten is the running water banquet in the village. For her, in addition to doing the minimum help, I basically gave up-for various reasons and excuses. I picked up the agenda, found the list of attendees, and glanced at Shaw's name. Of course, I knew he was coming, but I still wanted to see it unconsciously. The main agenda is the election tomorrow morning and the business discussion in the afternoon. Alas, they are all a bunch of old oil sticks who have been fighting for many years. What business can be discussed? Therefore, the substantive content is the election. Our Association of Fine Arts is elected every five years. It should have been elected the year before last. By the year after next, the current chairman will retire and be replaced. But he was dragged by the old man for two years until now, so that he could work for another three years after retirement. The account is clear. Therefore, we all call him Lao Tuo behind his back-our art association is not an artist association, not a gourmet association, nor a beauty association, nor a beauty and beauty association, but a restaurant association. Ten years ago, several friends and I bought the issue number of a publication at the right time, named it Wine, and started to do it. Kicked the first three feet, now the market has been considerable, the liquor factory in the province alone is enough for us to eat and drink enough. That advertising sponsorship, swish swish. As the executive editor, I was destined to become the vice chairman of the Association of Fine Arts. When the phone rang, a sweet voice said, "Hello, this is the front desk.". "A lady wants to see you. Do you have an appointment?" "Yes.". Let her come in. I say. Soon, "thump, thump," someone knocked at the door. Very loud. It must be my sister. I went to open the door and she stood there panting and smiling. Purple coat, red sweater, green scarf, this color match, let me dizzy. I let her into the room, and when she passed me, her breath came to my nostrils. What kind of smell is that, the smell of sweat, noodles, dust, inferior smoke. I think of the name of the front desk lady: Lady. "Running here?"? What's the hurry? "I'm afraid you'll wait." She said, "Give me some water." "You climbed nine floors?" I quickly opened a bottle of mineral water, "there is an elevator." "I won't sit.". Afraid She said. I was speechless and watched her drink a bottle of water. After drinking the water, she wiped the corners of her mouth and said, "How can I eat black rice?"? Go eat at home. So close. I hesitated and said, "I have a meeting in the evening.". Let's eat here. There's food here. "What meal?" She sat down on the bed and asked earnestly. Before I could answer, she laughed to herself. "I know even if I don't tell you." "You can eat with me." "I'll eat, too?" She repeated, and I looked at her dress and regretted it. But she had made up her mind: "Then I'll eat here.". I haven't eaten in this big hotel yet. What time to eat? "There's still an hour to go. Take a bath first." I took out the toiletries from the hotel and said,fine bubble diffuser, "The water is good." Three My sister went into the bathroom and began to take a bath. I turned on the TV, lay on the bed, and looked at her as if I didn't care.
