Animal Crossing: New Horizons Items Strategies to Improve Your Island Performance

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My extensive (OK, obsessive) knowledge of the series means I'm constantly fielding questions about the most recent installment



My extensive (OK, obsessive) knowledge of the series means I'm constantly fielding questions about the most recent installment. As a result, I decided to compile tips (some from my colleagues as well!) and answers to questions that I myself had to look up. Here's how to make the most of your tropical getaway.
November 2020 (updated):Seasonal advice that was no longer relevant has been removed, and information on evicting villagers has been added.
1. Produce Work More Rapidly
Making DIY recipes can be time-consuming because you have to wait through the animations every time you create something new. Once your character begins crafting, pressing the A button a few times in rapid succession will significantly speed up the process.(In case you didn't know, repeatedly pressing B will cause animals to speak more quickly as well.)



2. Make the most of your inventory.
You can increase the inventory capacity of your device to 40 item slots by using your Nook Miles and the NookStop. This will allow you to save more space in your pockets. I like to keep a few crafting supplies with me at all times in case I need to whip up a new bug-catching net or fishing rod at the drop of a hat. Aside from tools, I always have iron nuggets, wood, softwood, hardwood, stones, and tree branches on hand. However, once you have 30 pieces of something like wood, the item will automatically begin using a new inventory slot.



4. Shake every tree on the Mystery Island Tours
When you arrive on a mystery island, shake every single tree you encounter. There's always some sort of piece of furniture tucked away in one of Animal Crossing NMT. Make sure to have your net ready, though, as there is at least one wasp nest that will fall during the storm. Oh, yes, you can catch those wasps before they launch an attack on you. Simply press A as soon as they appear in front of you.

5. When You Wish Upon a Star
Isabelle will occasionally inform you during the morning announcements that a Meteor Shower is on its way that night. It appears that the timing is completely random. Despite having spent more than 170 hours in the game, I have yet to witness an official Meteor Shower, despite having met Celeste. She's Blathers' sister, and she'll occasionally provide you with a DIY recipe that's themed around the zodiac. This appears to be a bug, as some players have reported not seeing Celeste but having Meteor Showers instead, while others have reported seeing Celeste but not a shooting star, and so on.
Shooting stars appear at random between the hours of 7 p. m. and 4 a. m. on clear, cloudless nights. They have a shimmery, bell-like sound to them. Headphones might be a good idea if you want to hear what's going on. Make sure your hands are free, then look up with the right joystick and press A when a star appears overhead to make a wish. Shooting stars are most often seen in bursts, so keep your eyes peeled to the sky after you've made your wish in case another one or three pass by. The following day, your beaches will be littered with Star Fragments, which you can use to create various home-made recipes.

6. Make use of fruits to gain superpowers.
You've probably already figured out that eating a piece of fruit and then hitting a rock with your shovel or stone axe will break a rock, but did you know that the same action can also be used to move trees? The days of chopping and replanting are over. As WIRED writer Louise Matsakis pointed out, once your fruit-eating abilities have been activated, you can use your shovel to dig up a tree. It will be tucked away in your pocket for easy planting.

7. Improve the quality of your money trees
Every day, there will be a bright spot on the ground that contains 1,000 Bells. This will happen once per day. Reburying the bag of Bells will result in the growth of a Bell tree, which will produce cash every few days. However, if you plant even more Bells, you will have a better chance of growing a tree that produces larger Bell bags. This trick has enabled me to grow a number of 10,000-Bell trees. To plant a larger number of Bells, go to your pockets and click on the Bell counter in the bottom left-hand corner. Selecting Separate Bells and then Bury in Hole will allow you to plant the Bells.

8. Fish and bugs can be deceptive and evasive.
In any given month, there are a few creatures that only appear for the duration of that month. They differ depending on which hemisphere you live in, and in an effort not to give anything away, I'll leave you with this:Bugs and fish can be more difficult to catch than you might think. It's only for a few hours, but some of the fish I've caught have only spawned in places like the uppermost cliff rivers, the mouths of rivers, or in ponds. The same can be said for bugs. Certain types will only spawn on rotting vegetables, trash, or villagers, while others will spawn on anything. Make use of your imagination and be persistent in your search! If you're trying to get fish to spawn in a specific location, fish bait can help to expedite the process. You may be rewarded with a few Animal Crossing Nook Miles Ticket as a result of your efforts.

9. Make the most of your buy bells animal crossing new horizons
You're probably stopping by the NookStop in your Resident Services Center at least once a day in order to rack up those sweet, sweet bonus miles, don't you? Here's another gimmick to try:As soon as you earn ACNH nook miles, redeem them through the NookPhone app. As soon as you redeem bonus miles, you will be assigned a new task, which may or may not be for something you were planning on doing in the first place. It's a simple step that will help you accrue more money more quickly and efficiently.

10. Make liberal use of your bells.
Given that there is no set deadline for paying off your home, while it may be wise to put your Bells toward the principal of your loan, make sure to spend them generously at various vendors throughout the island after you have completed your first or second remodel or two. Spending Bells is frequently required in order to obtain certain upgrades. Check out what the general store has to offer on a daily basis (and press R to see the entire contents of the cabinet). The same can be said for the fitting room at a tailor's shop; you never know what you might come across there.

That being said, if you want to save money, keep Bells in your ABD savings account rather than in your pockets. Over time, you'll accrue interest (though Nintendo has reduced the interest rate a little).
