To have good tips of installing solar panels

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To know some GOOD information and tips,so that will help you install solar panels

Solar panels consist of many cells made of layers of semiconductor materials, most commonly silicon. When light strikes this material, an electric current is generated.These cells do not need direct sunlight to work, even in cloudy days. However, the stronger the sun, the more power generated.

The solar photovoltaic system consists of several solar panels, each of which generates about 355W of energy under strong sunlight. A typical system consists of approximately 15 solar panels and generates direct current (DC). Since the electric power used by household appliances is alternating current (AC), the system is equipped with inverter to convert direct current into alternating current. This power can be used throughout your home or exported to the grid.

Space is a key consideration for the installation of solar panels. The average system size is about 4.2 kWp, which usually takes up about 25 square meters of roof area.The shadowless south facing roof is ideal for maximum power output. East or west facing roofs can still be considered, but north facing roofs are not recommended. A system facing east or west will generate about 15-20% more energy than a system directly facing south.Any nearby buildings, trees, or chimneys can obscure your roof and adversely affect system performance.It is best to find a place without shadows, but sometimes shadows are unavoidable. Some solar photovoltaic systems can use "optimizers" to minimize the impact of shadows. If you do not have shadows, it is not necessary or beneficial to use optimizers, except that they provide more monitoring opportunities - they do not generate more energy.

Solar panels are considered "licensed development" and generally do not require planning permission. However, in exceptional cases, it is best to consult the local planning office for guidance. If you live in a protected building, protected area or national park, additional restrictions may apply.If you plan to install solar panels system at home, you must register with your distribution network operator (DNO). DNO is the company responsible for powering your home. Typically, your installer will register your device for you.
Use the solar energy calculator to get a better idea of the benefits you may see from installing a solar PV system.
