Travel notes of Huachi

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A man takes the cream and sends some cucumbers, or something like that-or something else when he kills the pig.

Outside the home of the blind NPC aunt, there was a crowd of bright players, dressed in glittering armor, personalized clothes, and colorful satin. One by one, they gathered outside the door, chatted and waited, or entered the house, took the task, buried the stones, watched the flowers bloom, and concentrated on embroidery, hoping to embroider a work that satisfied the NPC aunt and learn the story about the curly chrysanthemum. When the flower pond several people arrive, the star clear blue sky is talking with Ali in a low voice, two people line up in the long player line, waiting for the task. No way, there are too many players to take the task, so they can only organize their own queues, which is the consensus reached by the players after several shopping trips. Seeing several people coming in from Huachi, Xingqing was a little surprised in the blue sky. He raised his eyes and said with a smile, "Huachi, do you also come to take over the task of increasing the ability value?" Paused, say again: "Still, also want to try to be able to finish loving task?" The third volume of China travel records of the unicorn volume 106 blind NPC aunt Chapter 106 blind NPC aunt looked around and saw the waiting players in small groups. All kinds of team emblems were flashing in the sunshine. It was bustling and noisy. The door of NPC aunt's house was as lively as a vegetable market. Hua Chi smiled and said to Xing Qing, "I'm here with a friend to join in the fun and take a look at the magical chrysanthemum." After a few pleasantries, both sides never mentioned that day when Baili Feng pulled the flower pond to escape and jumped into the river. They only talked about the weather, the clouds in the sky and the flowers and plants on the ground. Copper pea came forward, took out the tricolor stone, traded it to Xingqing Blue Sky, and got the money as he wished. He was so happy that he rushed to the blacksmith shop to report the good news, leaving a few people in the flower pond behind the long line, waiting to see the legendary golden chrysanthemum. Looking at the tricolor stone in the blue sky, Xingqing was slightly stupefied and said to Huachi with a smile, "Your luck is still so good. As long as you form a team together, you can produce a lot of best treasures." He sighed lightly and sighed with emotion: "I miss the days when we formed a team together in the novice village. Although the time was very short, I was very happy. I could hit a few little players every day." The flower pond remembers in the novice village, meets the blue wing the person, is also misses very much, said: "Yes, everybody plays together, hits the monster also not to feel bored,mineral flotation, quite amusing." In a twinkling of an eye, he looked at Ali, who was standing beside the starry blue sky and was silent. The thief smiled, grabbed his hand and touched it, saying, "Especially when there is slippery and tender tofu to eat every day. I really miss it!" Ali's cheeks were slightly red, and he did not pull back his hand, but looked at the flower pond without making a sound. The flower pool sees he is not angry, the reaction is very ambiguous, not by a startled in the heart, the dark sigh joke opens some to go too far, hurriedly lets go of his hand. Smile shyly, a little embarrassed. Bailifeng looked at Ali's hands and said, "Come on.". The http://www.16K.cN of the computer novel station is the fastest to update. I know someone who has such hands. It's perfect. After a pause, he smiled and whispered, "Qinglongcheng, you have the same surname as me in the game." Hua Chi Wen Yan suddenly turned his head. Looking at Baili Feng, he was stunned for a moment and asked, "How many people are there in the game whose surname is Baili?" Baili Fenglang smiled and said, "As far as I know, there are at least five. The man in Qinglong City is one, Carbon in Pulp ,coltan ore processing, and so is Queen Ace, whom we just met.". Her full name is Bailiace. I count one, white tiger, rosefinch also have, in addition there are some messy people. Also all take a hundred miles of surnames, "look at the pool.". Ponder slightly. "There is also a game whose name is not Baili, but whose real name is Baili," he added. That's how it works. That's a lot. In front of the door of the blind NPC aunt, the players gathered in small groups and chatted. From time to time, some people laughed loudly and made a lot of noise. Looking up at the white clouds in the blue sky, the bare Chinese parasol trees in front of the house, and the withered winter grass trampled by the players in the yard, I suddenly feel that the world is strange and confusing. You The flower pond looked at the hundred-mile maple, hesitated to speak, did not know how to say, what to say. "I what?" Baili Feng smiled, blinked his eyes and said, "My surname is Baili, too. This is my real name." After a pause, he narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "The only contribution of the man who gave birth to me is this surname." Flower pond is a little indissoluble, ask: "Be to say your father?" He frowned and felt that Bailifeng did not respect his own father very much. No, "Bailifeng shook his head, some childishly curled his lips and said," But I just provided a sperm cell. Physiologically speaking, it's the one who gave birth to me. "He beeped his mouth and said willfully and stubbornly," My father is not him. My father is the brother who gave birth to my man. "At this point, Bailifeng's face showed a serious expression for the first time. "In my heart, there is only one father," he said with respect. Other people, even if I came to this world because of his impulse, I will never admit it. Bailifeng, eyes complex, bow their heads and keep silent. After a moment of silence, the players in front came out, and finally it was Huachi's turn to go in and pick up the task. Into the house, just feel NPC aunt home, in fact, is not big, but the lighting is very good. The wide window opens to the south, and the warm winter sun pours down, sprinkling gold on the wooden table near the window and at the head of the bed, which makes people feel comfortable. The furnishings in the room are simple, and the tables and chairs are less angular and more curved. As soon as the flower pond entered the door, I saw the ancient celadon flowerpot on the wooden table, with green bamboo on the edge of the pot, which was very lovely. But what did not match it was the brown withered plant planted in the pot. Yes, brown, it is a plant that looks like a withered and dead plant, brown stems, withered and yellow leaves, bare branches, no flowers and fruits, looks lifeless, if this is not a game, if not in the game task flow, then it can be asserted that this flower is dead. However, here is the game, nature is able to bring the dead back to life, the dead wood back to spring. In the game, the dead can come back to life, not to mention a mere flower. With her eyes closed and her voice hoarse, the blind NPC aunt looked up and asked, "has someone found the stone that can reopen the curly chrysanthemum again?"? Well, I don't know if I can do it this time. Sighed lightly,gold cil machine, say again: "Try, bury a stone in basin, see a flower can open how long." 。
