Investigation | "Rise and Fall":

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(Hereinafter referred to as Jinyu Agriculture), which grows industrial hemp, is fighting a contract dispute with the purchaser,

one mu of land can produce about 200 kilograms of flowers and leaves. In 2020, 1000 mu of industrial hemp was planted, with an output of about 200 tons; in 2021, 3000 mu of industrial hemp was planted, with an output of 600 tons. (Huayun Jinxin) In the first year, we bought our industrial hemp according to the contract, hemp extraction centrifuge ,thin film distillation, but in the second year, we refused to buy it for various reasons. At the same time, affected by the epidemic and international political and economic fluctuations, the global import demand for beneficial cannabinoids in Yunnan has decreased, which is also one of the reasons for the reduction of industrial hemp cultivation. (Source of cover photo: taken by reporter Yu Yifeng) Daily Economic News Daily Economic News Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor: (function() { function getBrandHtml() { var brands = [],rotovap distillation, html = ''; for(var i = 0; i brands.length; i++) { var brand = brands[i]; if(brands.length i+1) { html+= ''''; } else { html+= '''、'; } } return html; }; if(document.getElementById('linkBtn')){ document.getElementById('linkBtn').onclick = function() { $('#brands').removeClass('brand');$ ( '# tipInfo').text ( 'Real name responded'); $ ('#linkBtn').remove();$ ('.real-response .content').css('line-height', '20px');$ ('.real-response .time').css('line-height', '20px'); }; document.getElementById('brands').innerHTML = getBrandHtml(); }; })();。
