Lost Ark Update Gifts a New Jukebox Track, Adds the Waiting Period for Powerpass Gold, and Fixes issuesAlso included in this week's update include a range of Lost Ark Gold fixes for this week's alarm setting menu, which will function as planned along with text changes to clarify Steam achievements clearer on how to earn them, and the removal of all Weekly Rapport Chest from the in-game store because of an issue.
Being included in this update is the Arcanist's Emperor Gem.Overall After the major update last week this week's update is about tweaks and fixes. To learn more about the update this week and the downtime that begins at 12AM PST, head to Lost Ark for the full details.Lost Ark: How To Get Punika Powerpass
The new Lost Ark Punika Powerpass allows players to raise one of their lower-level characters to levels 50
In a recent update to Lost Ark, players saw the introduction of a brand new class, called the Arcanist. The update also introduces new raid content, improvements to upgrade characters, along with a host of other updates and improvements to the quality of your life. The players also witnessed the introduction of a new Powerpass to speed up the process of getting their characters to current information. The system works in a similar method to those we've seen previously. However, some players might be a bit uncertain of how to get this new item.
Lost Ark: How To Get To The Finish Of The Trials Quest
Any MMORPG worth its salt has to have a wide-ranging world filled with quests and other activities to keep its large player base entertained. It's the same with Lost Ark. The game is always giving players something to aim for, whether's that's grouping with friends to Cheap Lost Ark Gold fight off monsters, or conquering Abyssal Dungeons, or grinding for the top new set of gear.