Green Dragons should remain, as do armored Zombies

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Green Dragons should remain, as do armored Zombies

Green Dragons should remain, as do armored Zombies (or Chaos Ele) as well as all other training spots should stay the same. The Corporeal creature is an intriguing point. Although it could be fun for barrage runners to travel into OSRS Gold the cave, its boss mechanic within RS is distinctive in that you can bank a lot of times because of its high risk nature. If the entrance were relocated closer to the edge of the wildy, it might prove more attractive as it is currently just past level 20, the tele cut off point.

Summoning also presents a challenge and I'd much rather have to have a unique set of game rules and lending could be easily resolved by not allowing weapons to be lent in the wild, summoning combat level must be adjusted. It is easy to drop everything at anytime as in other RS. Also, restricting pouches in this manner in pvp environments feels unnatural. There is no way to solve this problem. Perhaps the best option is to keep the situation as "pouchin create, fight is over"

The last, but certainly not least, do not make pvp wilderness realms. Ever. There was one thing missing from pvp/bh worlds: the thrill of the wild. It was the most effective handling of it I've ever seen in any game.

Pvp meeting pve players. It was possible to Old School RuneScape Gold make use of the resources available, like rune, treasure trails and dragons to gain rewards. However, this wasn't a mandatory requirement. As I mentioned earlier, everyone should have access the quests. But making certain realms "safer" is a blunder to the point. This is the thing that I am most concerned about. A safe world where there are no threats to the world defeats the purpose.

