Decorative metal products: one-stop sourcing platform for stage trusses

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"Do you have truss at home? Do you have a stage at home?" Similar queries are often encountered in stage truss factory this, as if customers are not clear about the business scope of stage truss manufacturers!


Decorative metal products: one-stop sourcing platform for stage trusses

"Do you have truss at home? Do you have a stage at home?" Similar queries are often encountered in stage truss factory this, as if customers are not clear about the business scope of stage truss manufacturers!

As the saying goes, a line of work should be a fine line of work, this is the view and idea of most people, and this is how to understand the truss industry.

This view, if understood with conventional thinking is not wrong. The length of development of the truss manufacturer does affect the choice of the customer. Between a truss factory with "ten years of truss making experience" and a truss factory that "entered the field of truss making in 2018", which one do you think the customer will choose?

In the customer's eyes, the longer the manufacturer has been making trusses, the more experience it has, the finer the products are, the better the quality is, "experience plus"! At first glance, the customer's understanding is right!

But today's truss manufacturers don't only do "truss". The Shizhan Group, like the Guangzhou truss stage equipment factory, is a common phenomenon in the industry for its wide range of business, not to mention the current state of the stage truss market.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the market for trusses is also a "rivers and lakes". Although different truss manufacturers have their own corporate culture, values and differences in product appearance, the product spectrum is not the least bit different. In this context, how great is the competitive pressure in the truss market? It is not difficult to imagine how a truss manufacturer can not change?

The increase of product categories is the change idea of the truss manufacturers, and it is to a certain extent convenient for the customers. Customers only need to buy all the required activity equipment at one truss factory, and the large quantity is convenient and affordable.

In fact, the reason why customers ask so much, the motive is also hope truss manufacturers have these, there are truss, stage, truss frame, so as to save procurement time, so as to improve efficiency!

