Blizzard will, of course be able to solve this problem by leaving some World of Warcraft servers untouched with any new

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Since Phase 6 has been released, World of Warcraft: Classic players can experience Naxxramus - the game's original final raid. Naxxramus was possibly the most anticipated item in the entirety aspects of World of WOW WoTLK Classic Gold  Warcraft: Classic and is the conclusion of the content planned by Blizzard when the game released. Although Phase 6 will keep players on their toes for a few days when they discover Naxxramus and gain gear, the developers will have to make a decision on what to release in the future, now that there's no confirmed content to release.

In the past, World of Warcraft: Classic was advertised as being a "faithful remake" of the original game. And while that promise is largely fulfilled however, it's possible that Blizzard might decide to leave the game with no updates. This could be a welcome option for players who prefer the original game to each game's expansion pack, since they would be able to play without disruption. However, this would be a surprising choice for Blizzard to make, especially when you consider the success World of Warcraft: Classic has had in attracting new players to the game.

One possibility in the case of World of Warcraft: Classic is to implement something like a "Classic+" featurein which new phases of raid content are added to the game. This will allow players to remain in the process of preparing and grow their guilds even beyond Naxxramus but would not need major modifications for World of Warcraft: Classic's strategy. But, given that the majority of its development team has changed since the original World of Warcraft, and many of them are developing World of Warcraft: Classic's retail game this isn't feasible.

One of the most probable scenarios for World of Warcraft: Classic to come out, and the most sought-after by most fans, is to bring back World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade added changes that veterans of the game could appreciate, including greater class balance as well as the addition of arenas, that remain a favourite version of player against. player even in the retail version of the game. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade also introduced two different playable races, including the popular Blood Elves in addition to as one among the notorious characters in World of Warcraft's history: Illidan Stormrage.

Because World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade came directly after the first game, the transition will be relatively simple. The content for raids and leveling was already created thus all Blizzard needs to create is to optimize it for World of Warcraft: Classic. One possible issue for this option is that, because some players prefer the original game without expansion packs, they may be upset with the changes. Blizzard will, of course be able to solve this problem by leaving some World of Warcraft servers untouched with any new features.

Some players are in anticipation of hearing the next steps Blizzard is going to go for World of Warcraft: Classic, there is no telling when it will be announced. The release of WoW WOTLK Classic releasing recently, the company may be focusing on the forthcoming raids and  buy WoTLK Classic Gold other content for the current version of the game.
