Super Soldier King

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"He left the hospital this morning. At that time, we advised him to rest for more time, but he didn't listen at all and left by himself."

"He left the hospital this morning. At that time, we advised him to rest for more time, but he didn't listen at all and left by himself." The nurse said, "Are you his family?"? He left like this. He hasn't even gone through the discharge formalities yet. You can go through the formalities for him. "Gone?" Ye Qian was stunned, however, his heart was greatly relieved, at least, not as terrible as he had imagined, Tianhuai had already woken up. It's just that he still doesn't want to see himself. Why can't he have a good talk with himself. With a deep sigh, Ye Qian walked toward the hospital's payment office. The money has been paid in full at the beginning, just to make up for the formalities of discharge. Since the ghost wolf had the intention to avoid himself during the day, Ye Qian knew that he could never find him. Heart, inevitably some uncomfortable. After completing the formalities, Ye Qian met Wang Yu in the corridor. As soon as the latter saw Ye Qian, he hurriedly ran over. "Where is Tian Huai?" The pear flower said with rain? He's not in the ward, is he, is he already. Obviously, she thought the same as Ye Qian at the beginning. After patting Wang Yu on the shoulder, Ye Qian said, "It's all right. He just left secretly." "Gone?" Wang Yu said in amazement. With a slight nod, Ye Qian said, "I think Tianhuai also needs time to think about it clearly. Let him be quiet. Maybe when he figures it out,plastic bottle making machine, it will be all right in the future." "But he was hurt so badly." Wang Yu was still a little worried and asked. Don't worry, Tian Huai knows how to take care of himself. Ye Qian said. After a pause, Ye Qian turned to look at Wang Yu and said, "You.." What are your plans? Suddenly, Wang Yu hugged Ye Qian and said, "I don't know. I really don't know. I don't want to leave you again.". I thought time could forget everything, but your shadow haunts my heart like a nightmare, no matter how much I want to get rid of it,juice filling machine, I can't escape. You are like an invisible net, which has trapped me firmly. I love you, really love you, let me accompany you, okay? Ye Qian took a deep breath and said, "But I already have a girlfriend, and more than one. Don't you feel wronged?" "I don't care, I don't care how many women you have, as long as I have my place in your heart, even if only a little, I will be satisfied." Wang Yu said, "When I leave you, I seem to have no self and no soul.". I really can't imagine what I will become if I go on like this. Ye Qian put his hand slowly and gently on Wang Yu's body, hugged her and said, "I'm sorry. It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, bottle blowing machine ,Blowing Filling Capping combiblock, it wouldn't have hurt you like this.". Don't worry, I will take care of you and love you wholeheartedly in the future. ~ Novel Txt, Tang Chapter 975 Ye River. Now that the ghost wolf has been safe during the day, Ye Qian can rest assured. Although his injury has not yet healed, he left alone, but Ye Qian thought that as long as the ghost wolf thought clearly during the day, it would be all right. In any case, as long as the ghost wolf is alive during the day, it is better than anything, even if the ghost wolf still wants to duel with himself during the day, Ye Qian is willing. Ye Qian can also be safe and sound to carry out their own tasks, although Ye Qian is not very willing, but in any case this is Hu Nanjian's account, he still has to sell him some face. Moreover, this is also an important opportunity to make good relations with the Chinese government, and also an important opportunity to change the development of Langya in China. What's more, Ye Qian has also heard from Hu Ke about the research of genetic modification in M country. If they really succeed, it will undoubtedly become a very terrible force. Think about it, if no member of the M team has the most powerful force of the ancient Chinese warrior, what a terrible thing it is? Whether it is for public or private, Ye Qian will go to intervene, that gang of m people, Ye Qian has long been unhappy to see them. It's just that Ye Qian has some pain when he thinks of letting himself be a student. When he first arrived in China, Ye Qian had been in school for a period of time because of the protection of Zhao Ya. At that time, he could be said to have a great longing for school life. But now, he is already in his thirties, and he still goes to school to study? Isn't it a joke? But fortunately, Hu Nanjian has said hello to Xijing University through the Ministry of Education, and it is estimated that even if he skips classes every day and does not go to school, it will be all right. Wang Yu was somewhat reluctant to part with Ye Qian, but she also knew that Ye Qian could not stop his steps because of anyone. Now that he has chosen to be his woman, Wang Yu is willing to be the woman who can wait for him. Watching Ye Qian get on the plane, Wang Yu's heart also flew away. In a flash of inspiration, Wang Yu had an idea. Xijing University is the only key university listed in the National 211 Project in Shaanxi Province. Although the employment rate of today's college students is pitifully low, it can not shake the status of Xijing University in Shaanxi Province at all. Xijing is a city with a long history and culture, where Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of China, made his capital. Since ancient times, China seems to have a very strange phenomenon, it seems that every Dynasty is from the north to the south, and then unified China. Qin Shihuang has an indelible position in Chinese history, no matter how historians judge him, in Ye Qian's heart, he is always the most charming emperor. Now that he has arrived in Xijing, Ye Qian feels that if he has time, he must go to appreciate the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, a great project in Chinese history. Unfortunately, there is no way to witness the charm of Qin Shihuang,liquid bottle filling machine, a little regrettable. Just because, so far, the tomb of Qin Shihuang has not been found.
