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Although small in size, the eagle is agile and is a common Raptor on the grassland.

Although small in size, the eagle is agile and is a common Raptor on the grassland. Wanzhen was about to take a closer look when the kite suddenly turned around and stared at the man with sharp amber eyes, making a low sound of "gurgling". An arrow feather was stuck on the wing, and a large drop of blood was stuck on the feather. Recalling the words of Mo Zhuo and Suiye before, Wanzhen knew that the hawk should have been shot by Mo Zhuo. And the arrow wound of the kite has not flown far, landed in this small courtyard, just to be found by Wanzhen. The eagle shed a lot of blood, staggered to the ground, issued a deep lament, bright eyes staring at Wanzhen. Wanzhen's heart softened, bent down and squatted down, first wrapped her hand in the hem of her skirt, and then reached out to touch the eagle tentatively. This kind of Raptor is very dangerous if it is not tamed. In order to avoid being pecked, it is better to be careful. Unexpectedly, the eagle seemed to understand human nature and knew that Wanzhen had no malice, so he let Wanzhen caress him motionless. Seeing that the wounded were so obedient, Wan Zhen said with a smile, "If you are obedient,white marble slabs, I will save your life." With that, he reached out to open his wings and examined the eagle's arrow wound. The wound was in the wing, an arrow through the left wing, and it seemed to hurt the leg and claw. Wanzhen pushed aside the feathers on the eagle's leg, but accidentally touched a small bamboo tube, which was tied to the eagle's leg. Someone specially tied the bamboo tube to the body of the kite? Wan Zhen took down the bamboo tube and opened it to see that there was a paper roll inside. It seems that this is just a letter eagle kept by someone. Wan Zhen immediately opened the scroll and was taken aback: the handwriting inside turned out to be Chinese characters. But what is puzzling is that these words are scattered on the whole piece of paper,grey marble slab, and the handwriting is childish and simple, just like the paper on which children practice writing when they learn to write. Wan Zhen did not believe that such a bamboo tube was filled with insignificant things. However, no matter horizontal reading, vertical reading or oblique reading, it is not a sentence at all. It seems to have been designed by a more sophisticated designer. Wan Zhen tried the word tower and the picture of Xuan Ji again, but neither of them worked. She was lost in thought for a moment. Line of sight drift, the lower corner of the paper a "Wan" came into view, Wan Zhen suddenly thought of is not related to their own? Looking carefully, I saw a scrawled "Li" in the middle of the paper. Seeing this, Wan Zhen smiled and said to herself, "I have forgotten the ancestor of Hetu Luoshu." Once the trick is found, there is no secret in the secret letter in hand. Wanzhen read it in the order of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, and the content was immediately clear. The war in Youzhou has slowed down, Agate Slabs For Sale ,Porcelain Marble Slabs, the Turks intend to stop fighting, and the court has sent envoys to negotiate peace. It seems that Jieli is not in the camp. The movement of the Turks is unknown. I hope you can find out. Another man, Li Wan, was in an important position and his whereabouts were unknown. He may have been in prison and hidden in the Turks. Hope to visit and rescue. This is the main idea of the letter, which is replaced by homophones or similar words in several places, such as "Tu" and "Jue" written as "Tu" and "Jue", and "Zhan" written as "Zhan". There are still some ambiguities, but the meaning should not be wrong. Wanzhen held the secret letter in her hand and felt a little calm in her heart: This should be the person who contacted Youzhou. The generals of Youzhou are still worried about themselves. But from the tone, I don't want to be an assignment, but rather a request for help from close friends. Who is it? Who sent the Interlocutor? Who on earth is this one? When this eagle appeared here, could it be said that this interloper had mingled with the Turkic nobles? There was a sound of footsteps behind him. It seemed that it was late and the men were back. Wan Zhen looked from the window to the warm hall inside, only to see the nobles sitting together began to rap again. A few of the busy servants behind them looked like Han Chinese. Will it be among these Han servants? With another low cry, Wanzhen came to her senses, hid the secret letter, bent over and picked up the injured bird, and gently stroked the feathers on its back. Someone pushed the door open and went into the yard. So there you are. Jieli's voice came. Wan Zhen turned around and watched his tall figure come to her with a little warm breath. It's cold outside. Why don't you go inside? As he spoke, his hand touched Wanzhen's face. Warm palms and twinkling eyes in the dim light kept her from dodging. What is this Jieli lowered his head and saw the kite in Wanzhen's arms. Wanzhen replied, "Maybe someone shot it down. It was wounded and looked pitiful.". Hey, can I keep it? "What did you call me?" Jieli asked with a smile. Wanzhen frowned and uttered two words in great embarrassment: "Gerry." "I didn't hear you." Wanzhen turned to go, but he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. Frozen like this, still so stubborn! Jieli's hand gently grasped the cold back of Wanzhen's hand, and there was some helplessness in his tone. Call me again and I'll plead for you. Wan Zhen broke free and said with a straight face, "Jieli, please." When Jieli heard this, he smiled. "That's all. Just remember this time.". We'll go back to the palace later. Wanzhen returned to the warm hall with Ying Ying and Jieli in her arms. Jieli went to Mo Zhuo, while Wan Zhen said goodbye to Princess Suiye. Princess Suiye sat alone on the table, and Na Yan was not around. See Wan Zhen to go, specially up to see off. Mo Zhuo also readily promised to give the kite to Wan Zhen. When she left, Wan Zhen carefully observed the faces of the Han servants to see if anyone had seen the eagle. But there is no special discovery. Wan Zhen and Jie Li went back to the palace. Video appreciation: Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was my idol when I was a child. At that time, I was chasing this TV series. It was so dark. Hehe, the ancient costume inside is very good. The images of Li Shimin, Empress Zhangsun, Concubine Yang, Li yuan and others have become classics. Click to view the image link: Chapter 39 six beats of sobs at night. Wanzhen stayed alone in the palace these days, looking after the injury of the kite, and thinking about how to get in touch with the generals in Youzhou and the people in the Turks. Jieli, on the other hand, went out early and returned late,Pietra Gray Marble, appearing every night to talk casually with Wanzhen about the Turkic nobles. Now Wang Gui is preparing to elect a new Khan king, Wang's second son and Wang's fourth son on both sides must be fighting openly and secretly, perhaps when there will be a major outbreak. forustone.com
