Georgia fans petition the White House for a Todd G

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Georgia fans petition the White House for a Todd G

There are three things that will get people fired up and those are religion, politics, and football. In the south Stephen Vogt Jersey football is religion and it's filled with dirty politics.A is hoping to result in a pardon for Georgia Jeremy Jeffress Jersey running back Todd Gurley. Not sure if Barack Obama is a Bulldogs fanbut at this point anything is worth a shot.The point of the petition is to "pardon Todd Gurley for any po sible wrongdoings and ordering the NCAA and UGA to cancel and investigations." There's no telling who created it but there are over 5,000 signatures so far, many unsurprisingly fromGeorgia, which is significantly more than many of the Josh Hader Jersey other .MORE: | | There's a wide variety ofpetitions covering many thingsfrom Ebola to the size of school lunches. The goal of Keston Hiura Jersey the Gurley petition is to collect 100,000 signatures within the next month and have the White House step in on the matter.It's doubtful the petition will reach the goal or that the White House will come down on the NCAA but desperate times call for desperate measures in Ben Gamel Jersey Athens right now.Source: