Texas AM searching for place to play spring game

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Texas AM searching for place to play spring game

And we thought finding someone to replace Johnny Manziel was Texas AM coach Kevin Sumlins biggest undertaking before the 2014 season begins.OK, Ken Stabler Jersey thats still big very big but the Aggies have another i sue on their hands: where will they play their spring game?MORE: | | SDS: With Kyle Field undergoing a $450 million renovation and the field Richard Seymour Jersey in unplayable condition, Texas AM is sorting through its options.And none of them include a facility that can hold the 45,212 fans who attended last springs game.Under consideration: on-campus practice fields or Bryan High Schools football stadium, located just three miles away, .Weve looked at all of those things, and what Gene Upshaw Jersey well end up coming up with is something that allows us to play the spring game based on SEC guidelines, and what the NCAA allows us to do, AM athletic director Eric Hyman said this week.Its not as easy as stepping Alex Leatherwood Jersey off campus and having your spring game. The university would have to get a waiver from the SEC to do so and then would have to deal with NCAA rules when it comes to recruiting something that is big for spring gaes.There are also NCAA rules prohibiting contact with prospective student-athletes and/or families and coaches at off-campus events, such as a spring game, Robert Jackson Jersey AM athletic department spokesman .