At UAB strong indications football program will re

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At UAB strong indications football program will re

Those holding out hope that UAB will continue to field a football team could be disappointed in the coming days.Alabama State Rep. Jack Williams Thursday that he has heard "strong indications" that school president Ray Watts will Dont'a Hightower Jersey stick with the he made last year.MORE: | | Though Watts had to make a final call, Williams told an announcement could be made Friday and the one he expects Sony Michel Jersey would not be well-received."This could lead to irreparable damage at UAB in its relationship with the community," Williams said.According to Williams, two last-gasp meetings will be held Thursday in an effort to sway the school president. Watts reportedly will meet with "local philanthropist" Jimmy Filler, who might be willing to make a significant donation to fund upgrades in the Blazers' football facilities. And Julian Edelman Jersey trustee Johnny Johns will sit down with a group of local busine s leaders.Any pledge from Filler would be the latest in a string of efforts by donors to step up and put money toward the program. A task force formed for that purpose announced two weeks ago it for the cause. Quinn Nordin Jersey With so much money apparently flowing in, plenty of pre sure will be on Watts to reverse course, particularly considering he as a key factor in shuttering the program.Even if the effort to bring back football succeeds, it's unclear how UAB would follow through on the proce s. have transferred to other schools, where they will be immediately eligible, though coach Bill Clark's continues to read "Head Lawyer Milloy Jersey Football Coach of the UAB Blazers."