How to choose a downdraft dust collector?

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downdraft dust collector

The classification of downdraft dust collectors can be divided into the following eight categories:

①Dedusting efficiency: Whether the efficiency of downdraft dust collector is high is the most important performance index to choose. The gas flow in a certain state, specific dust pollutants, and the state of the gas have a direct impact on the collection efficiency.

②Operation flexibility: For any operating equipment, its load and the impact on the capture efficiency when the airflow exceeds or falls below the design value must be considered. It is also necessary to grasp that the dust concentration is unstable or continuously higher than the design value. how to behave when the value is set.

③ Hydrophobicity: The downdraft dust collector is not efficient in purifying hydrophobic dust, and it is generally not suitable for how to operate at the design value.

④Cohesiveness: downdraft dust collector can purify cohesive dust, but flushing and cleaning should be considered to prevent clogging.

⑤Corrosion: Anti-corrosion measures should be considered when purifying corrosive gases.

⑥Water consumption: the amount of water consumed by the dust collector and the treatment of the discharged sewage, and the antifreeze measures for water in winter.

⑦ Mud treatment: Mud treatment is an inevitable problem encountered by downdraft dust collectors, and efforts should be made to reduce the degree of harm of pollution.

⑧ Operation and maintenance: Generally, there should be no moving or rotating parts inside the dust collector. Pay attention to the fact that the gas passing through the flow channel section is too small to cause blockage.

downdraft dust collector
