Terrified Erin Andrews a shell of old self after n

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Terrified Erin Andrews a shell of old self after n

We forget famous broadcasters are still people who have toworry about thestalkers and creeps who hara s, and sometimes a sault,celebrities.Steve Andrews testified Wednesday thatMichael David Barrett of his once-outgoing daughter Erin on the Internet in 2008 has lefther "a shell Chase Daniel Jersey of the person she used to be."Before Barrett taped Erin Andrewsat the Nashville Marriott at Vanderbilt University,his daughterwas at the top of hergame as the most famous sideline reporter on the planet for ESPN.MORE Allen Robinson Jersey : | Ever since,she's been fearful, anxious and depre sed, testified Steve Andrews, a Tampa Bay TV reporter.His daughteris terrified of a tap on her shoulder.She's fearful of crowds and hangs blankets over her windows. Steve Andrews visibly choked up while testifying about the emotional toll.t:My daughter has been scared for eight years. Eight years she has been terrified that theres something else out there. That theres someone else looking for her.Shes depre sed, Steve added. She cries, shes full of anxiety, shes a very, very changed person. Shes not the girl Dick Butkus Jersey that we used to know.He recalled the frantic phone call in July 2009 from Erin, who was sobbing about the videos that had suddenly become public.She was just screaming, Im on the Internet. Im naked. Everything Ive worked for is done. Weve got to get it down. Weve got to get it down, NFL Chicago Bears Jersey she told him. I just couldnt believe what I was hearing.Andrews jumped from ESPN to rivalFox Sports in 2012. She's suing the hotel's owners for negligence for $75 million after Barrett found out what room she was staying in, thenrequested an adjoining room.Barrett then secretly taped Andrews while she was getting ready for a Vanderbilt football game.Steve Andrews sternly. He said his daughter vomited when she first saw herself Devin Hester Jersey nakedon the Internet.He told the jury:Let me tell you something.Erin Andrews didnt need more attention, and she certainly didnt want attention like that.Barrett pled guilty to interstate stalking in 2010 and was sentenced to 30 monthsin prison. He tearfully apologized to Andrews in court.But Andrews , telling Barrett in court:"You violated me and you violated all women.You are a sexual predator, a sexual deviant and theyshould lock you up."