Michigan fan blog says J.T. Barrett got first down

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Michigan fan blog says J.T. Barrett got first down

The Michigan faithfulwere livid Saturday with what will forever be known as "The Spot," the controversial official ruling that gave Ohio State quarterback J.T. Barrett a first down New Orleans Saints Jackets on a 4th-and-1 run in double overtime. The Buckeyesscored a touchdown on the next play towin the game 30-27.But while Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh Dylan Soehner Jersey ripped officials after the game, and singled out that call ("It wasn't a first down. it was (several inches) short," he said), a Michigan sports blog thinks the officials got it right.MORE: The website broke down that controversial play with the type of excruciating detail historians Erik Mccoy Jersey have usedto study theZapruder Film and theJFK a sa sination. Using scientific terms such as "parallax error" and breaking down the image of the play to individual pixels (really! Wil Lutz Jersey ), the blog concludes that Barrett really did get the first down.First, here's one more look at the play:It's impo sible to tell whether Barrett made the first down from that angle, right? But mgoblog.com studiesdozens of different frames from that video, and blew up Frame No. 53 to show this pixelated image it says proves Barrett New Orleans Saints Pet Gear got the first down.Until some physicistbreaks the play down to the subatomic level, that evidence is good enough for us.