Grave Robber Maze _ Wenshan Woodcutter

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Grave Robber Maze _ Wenshan Woodcutter

Chen Gongtai said: "In the last two or three months, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Municipal Party Committee Legal Affairs Office, and the mailbox of the mayor and the secretary of the municipal party committee have continuously received reports about a certain Comrade in your library, reflecting some of his problems.". Because the nature of the problem reflected in the letter is more serious, and the leadership level involved is relatively high. Hearing this, I was surprised that Liu Chunming also bribed higher-level leaders? Chen Gongtai went on to say, "Director Lu, please take a look at the relevant information first." Then one of his staff members handed me a document. I took it over and saw that it was a copy of several letters. As soon as I read it, my scalp exploded. It turned out that these letters were not about Liu Chunming-they were about Song Jianguo! This is beyond my expectation, and I have to let Secretary Song attend. When I looked down, the letter said that during his tenure as curator, Secretary Song not only accepted bribes wantonly, but also privately sent all kinds of precious cultural relics to provincial and municipal leaders at all levels. Putting down the materials, I looked up at Chen Gongtai. He said, "Director Lu, don't be nervous. We came here today to say hello to you first. Please conduct self-examination first." I thought to myself, how can I check so many senior leaders? I hesitated and said, "Secretary Chen, this.." Secretary Song is the old leader of the library, I am to take over his class, the organization now let me check, this. The work is not easy to carry out, and it is easy to cause unnecessary misunderstandings among comrades. Chen Gongtai waved his hand, "It is because we want to clarify the misunderstanding that we must find out the facts.". What's more,hydraulic fitting supplier, we are now asking you to conduct a self-examination, and we are not asking you to make everyone pass the test and launch a large-scale encirclement and suppression campaign. First of all, the leading group of your library should have a correct attitude. Comrades will understand that those who are clean will be clean. I cast my eyes on Secretary Huo again. "Secretary Huo, do you think the Bureau will take the lead in this matter?" Secretary Huo did not avoid my eyes and said meticulously: "I will report to the party group of the Bureau." Chen Gongtai said: "Director Lu, this matter is like this first.". On behalf of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, I would like to emphasize a few more disciplines. First, we should treat it correctly ideologically and not be afraid of difficulties. Second, we should stand firm in our principled position, not be emotional,stainless steel needle valve, let alone shield and connive, and report to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection as soon as the reported problems are verified. Third, we should pay attention to the confidentiality system, control the work within a relatively small scope, and avoid the situation that problems are not clarified and have a lot of adverse effects. Fourth, normal work should not be affected, and cadres and the masses should not feel insecure. Especially on this point, Director Lu, there is still a problem of protecting cadres in our organization, which you should grasp well. You can't treat everyone as a suspect just because of a report letter, as if there are no good people in Hongdong County. This year is the year of the Olympic Games. At present, stability overrides everything. Your team should pay special attention to this point and not turn a small mess into a big one. When Chen Gongtai finished the conversation, his throat was a little dry. He drank a few mouthfuls of tea, put down his cup and said, "All right, that's it." I quickly got up and said that it was not easy for the leader to come, so let's visit. Secretary Huo pulled his face as if to stop it. Chen Gongtai, tube fitting manufacturer ,stainless steel hydraulic fitting, however, seemed to be very interested and said, "Well, the last time I visited it was four or five years ago.". As soon as Secretary Huo saw it, he stopped talking and looked reluctant. I accompanied Chen Gongtai to visit several exhibition halls of the museum. I didn't ask for a commentator. I explained it all myself. After the visit, Chen Gongtai was very satisfied, repeatedly praised the work of the museum, and got on the bus with a smile. After seeing Chen Gongtai off, I went back to the office and stared at the report materials in a daze. Moments later, I calmed down, put the materials into my bag, and called a car to the Cultural Bureau. When I got to the Bureau, I went straight to Director Yin's office. Who would have thought that as soon as he entered the corridor, he saw Secretary Song's ex-wife coming out of Director Yin's office. I passed her, and her expression was stiff and frightening. I knocked on the door and went in. Director Yin's face was not good. He was smoking. It seemed that this woman was making a lot of trouble. I said softly, "Director Yin, let me report something to you." Director Yin gave a hum and said: "Sit down." I sat down and said, "Director Yin, Secretary Chen of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection came to my place just now." Of course, Director Yin knew. He nodded and said, "Old Huo reported to me.". Why, I heard it was about Old Song? I said, "Yes, it was an accident." Director Yin looked at me meaningfully, "Chao Sheng, how about it? Is it not easy to be a leader?" I smiled. "Yes, I'm not asking you for help." Director Yin exhaled a puff of smoke. "What kind of help?"? Responsibility and power are equal. If the organization gives you such power, you have to assume such responsibility. After a pause, he went on to say, "Of course, you are facing a lot of difficulties now, and it is very difficult to deal with them." Then he pointed to the door. "Do you know who came just now?"? Old Song's wife! No, it's the ex-wife. You know what she's doing here? Ah? To expose Song Jianguo! I was surprised. Did she write the letter? If that's the case, then the letter is probably true. Hesitated for a while, I still said my idea, "Director Yin, you see, now the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection wants me to conduct a self-examination of Secretary Song, but how can I check it?"? Talk to Secretary Song on behalf of the organization? Once I really check and find out the problem, what will other comrades think? If I don't become a dynastic change and kill the old ministers, who will be willing to work with me in the future? "Do you think Old Song really has a problem?" Director Yin put out the cigarette butt and stared at me word by word. I was stopped by the question, and I didn't speak for a long time. Director Yin read my silence and said slowly, "Chao Sheng, you have to face what you should face. You can't avoid this.". By the way, where is Lao Song's report material? I quickly handed it over. Director Yin took out his presbyopic glasses and put them on. After reading a few words, he put them down. "This report material is out of date. I received it last year." "Huh?!"! Why is that? I was taken aback. Director Yin took off his glasses and said, "Chao Sheng, look, Old Song's problem is not simple." I wondered in my heart, what is the purpose of Secretary Chen's doing this? After thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly guessed, "Director Yin, is the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection going to investigate which city leader, involving Secretary Song,38 needle valve, and inconvenient to expose, before taking out the report letter? In fact, the main purpose is to investigate that city leader?" 。
