Confuse the country and poison the imperial concubine

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Confuse the country and poison the imperial concubine

She was so loud that Baili Lingfeng couldn't help laughing out loud: "You really don't look like a.." But he soon realized that he had almost said the wrong thing, so he immediately changed his tune and said with a smile, "You really don't look like a first assistant at all." Her eyes flashed slightly, and she was about to say something, but out of the corner of her eye she suddenly swept a little bit in the distance, then her expression froze, and suddenly a little bit on her toes, luck flew away into the distance, leaving only one sentence: "I have something to do, one step ahead!" Baili Lingfeng did not react, but watched her figure fly all the way to the distance like a swan goose. Lord Shoufu, what's the matter? Ping Ning looked at the situation, can not help but be stupefied. Baili Lingfeng looked at her back and narrowed his eyes slightly. "I don't know. Maybe he saw someone." But what kind of person can make Ye Bai's body suddenly emit such a cold breath? Baili Lingfeng's guess was right, but Qiu Yebai found something strange-someone was watching her and Baili Lingfeng with a monocular telescope in the distance. But when she flew at full speed close to a small tower where the other side was hiding, as soon as the man found her coming, he immediately put away the single-tube lookout in his hand and quickly turned around and fled. She suddenly noticed that the figure of the man peeping at her looked unusually familiar, so familiar that she seemed to feel a basin of cold water pouring on her head! Although the man was dressed as a eunuch and was unusually thin, it was absolutely impossible for her to admit her mistake after such a long time together. With a flash in her eyes, she pulled out the sword in her hand, approached the roof of the palace with her toes, and ran after the tower, sending out a flaming signal of fireworks into the sky. When she entered the tower window, she found that the nine-storey tower was a library, and she was watching the dark blue robe disappear at the corner of the tower ladder. Stop! She immediately ran down the tower. The figure ran all the way down the tower without looking back, and calmly kicked over all kinds of bookshelves piled up on the road, creating obstacles for her pursuit. After dodging a large pile of debris, Akiba's eyes flashed cold, stopped,Nail Making Machine manufacturers, and stood by the stairs watching the blue figure running down the tower layer by layer. She suddenly jumped up the stairs and jumped straight down the hollow stairs. Because there is no use of any internal force, directly showing the falling posture of free fall, the whistling wind constantly passes over her ears and eyelashes, but her eyes are unusually cold, motionless, until. The dancing blue robe was getting closer and closer to her eyes, and there was still a floor to go, and she was about to hit the ground. It's too late to say, but it's too soon. She suddenly reached out and grabbed the blue robe fiercely. The touch in her hand made her know that she had succeeded! "I got you!" With a sniff, she grabbed the robe and pulled the man down with the strength of the fall. At this time, the man was running to the second floor, where would have thought that Akiba Bai had caught up with him in this way, so unprepared to be so severely pulled by her, he was immediately pulled to the ground together. Seeing that the two of them were about to fall together, Nail production machine ,nail manufacturing machine, and that the man in blue was about to become his own human cushion, but she didn't want to have any more physical contact with the man, so she kicked her toes at the wall of the stairs, lifted her breath at the same time, pulled herself up, and at the same time, the sword in her hand was unsheathed and aimed directly at the man's shoulder! But that person's reaction is also extremely sensitive, unexpectedly pulled loose the belt in an instant, a golden cicada shed its shell, and hit the ground hard with its back. Akiba only grabbed his robe, and the sword in his hand was deflected, only brushing his cheek and lifting his hat. "Oh!" The other side landed on his back and let out a dull hum because of the pain. Although this move will put tremendous pressure on his back, it can slip away from the sword in Akiba's hand. But the autumn leaf white also saw his face clearly in an instant, not by a stupefied. The face, which was so ordinary that people would forget it, was not half similar to Mesu, but. She suddenly looked at each other's eyes, cold, like a cage with a layer of moist rain and fog in the south of the Yangtze River, and she looked at each other for a moment, which instantly emerged a little sarcastic smile. When she saw the rolled skin on his cheeks, she narrowed her cold eyes. "Mesu, you're not dead!" If this person is not Meisu, she twisted her head off and kicked it like a ball. The man chuckled and suddenly spat out a silver ball the size of a dragon's eye at her. The alarm bell rang in her heart. She was about to raise her hand and racket the ball back, but she didn't want to "boom". With a muffled sound, the ball exploded in an instant, spewing out a thick and pungent smoke. She immediately held her breath to avoid the smoke that went straight to the door, and at the same time raised her hand to break the dragon with a sword, carrying the sword straight to the man. But the touch of the sharp blade into the flesh, as well as the smell of blood in the air in an instant, did not let her relax, but the cold light in her eyes was even worse, straight to the direction of the man in blue. She could tell that her sword had only penetrated the muscles of her opponent, and that it was not deep enough to hurt her vital points, and that her opponent had quickly escaped her blockade of force! She started again, but suddenly felt something, and immediately withdrew the sword, just because she felt that the tower was empty. Sure enough, she opened the window and let the warm spring breeze blow in and blow away all the smoke. The room on the first floor was empty, but the smell of blood told her that the man had indeed stayed here. She looked around coldly, and finally her eyes stopped on a bookshelf where a jade Buddha was a little askew. By this time, there was already a hubbub outside the door. Several bodyguards rushed in and all drew their swords at her: "What kind of person dares to intrude into the empress's place of cultivation without authorization!" With a flash of cold light in her eyes, she glanced coldly at the bodyguards, who, after seeing her face clearly, could not help but be stunned: "Lord Shoufu!" She did not take the guards seriously at all,Nail machine supplier, and the sword in her hand was full of inner strength, and with lightning speed, she slashed at the bookshelf with the force of gold and stone.
