Rsgoldfast - I was Herbore level trained

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Aren't there any issues with Max-hit or runescape 3 gold Hitpoints also? Yes. Another reason that was considered was the possibility that weapons could hit players one-on-one or even be close to doing so. While this isn't a common occurrence however, it doesn't mean that it wasn't possible. We'll discuss the Max-hitting and Hitpoints issues by examining the changes to the combat system, and possibly the Defence ability.

What made you decide to do this, but keep items like dragon claws/AGS the way they are?
There is no doubt that some weapons with have special abilities that are more effective than others. While we can take each case individually, items such the claws are a regular feature of the game's history for more than one year. As the claws/AGS are clearly linked to Attack, they can't be removed. These items are also visible when someone holds them, while a boosted status isn't.

What's next? I was Herbore level trained, and some benefits were removed. Fair enough. I have 99 Herblore therefore I can am able to understand the loss. However, we have determined that we'll spend time updating Herblore. This does not contradict the points/answers above. Let's look at if this thread could be used constructively in order to create some potions. This thread will be watched closely by us, so we'd like you to post any potions you feel would work, and also if you are willing to trade them.

These are some of the ideas that I have thought about (no guarantees). are potions that could give regeneration abilities over time, leech health for a specific period of time (like 1/2 the damage you hit is repaired for a brief period of time), or maybe an ingredient that could help prevent death...

Which F2P monster is most valuable in the total amount of loot? Not the most valuable drop of an item but it is the most valuable over the long period of defeating that creature. Many have chosen level 83-cockroach soldiers in the Stronghold of Player Security. Although it's possible for players to fight the "F2P" level 83 cockroach soldiers will receive high drops, there are no guarantees that buy osrs fire cape level 85 cockroach troops will deliver the highest drops in F2P.
