In episode 94 of the Weapon Showcase "The Elden Ring gold" and "the Cleanrot Knight's Sword" ar

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Make an effort to get up to speed with the brothers in this area. Today, we are going to look into a sword that is capable of penetrating, more specifically, the sword that the clean rotten Knight uses. We tried out a number of different attribute allocation and injection strategies in ord

 If we were to look at our statistics, these are the two categories that best describe us. This is due to the requirement that weapons, armor, elden ring rune and amulets have a minimum value of sixty vitality points and twenty-six endurance points respectively. We have a performance that we are going to put on today.


Due to the fact that one of the hands has an AR value of 498, it is one of the hands that triumphs over the others and takes first place

1.  In terms of amulets, we will make use of Alexander's shooting to collect all of the different kinds of war ashes, the ritual shield amulet at the beginning of the duel to enhance our defense, and then we will make use of the spear amulet to increase the damage of our counterattacks because we will be utilizing the sprint weapon

2.  You have the choice to charge it up to its utmost possible capacity

3.  Even though we favor using jump heavy attack, which deals more balance damage, we still like to have a little delay there

4.  This is because it allows us to better time our reactions

5.  This is due to the fact that the jump heavy attack deals a greater amount of damage overall

6.  We came to the conclusion that the best way to prepare for the fact that we anticipated it to be very uncomfortable was to go ahead and purchase some additional roll rackets

7.  Runs of any kind—whether light or heavy—represent wonderful opportunities to move once more when viewed from this perspective

8.  To tell you the truth, this attack is a very rapid thrust attack, and given that it is always at your disposal, you can use it whenever you see fit

9.  While you are making your way to your opponent as quickly as possible, you should use a light attack to set up a quick jab there while you make your way there

10.  A thrust attack that is continuous for two rounds of movement and lasts for a total of four rounds is provided by the double light attack

11.  It is significantly more useful for attacking the opponent and maintaining the pressure that is being applied to the opponent, despite the fact that it is slower than the continuous sprint

12.  If you have any state effect injections on the weapon, the landing attack will grant you a significant amount of additional energy

13.  On the other hand, it is still a continuous attack in addition to being a rolling and squatting round attack and a continuous collision

14.  In other words, it is a combination of all three types of attacks

In addition to that, you have the option of building with a moving set that requires only one hand at a time to operate. As a direct consequence of this, the d-wave in general possesses a powerful combination. Cause and effect

We will be evaluated according to the range of our piercing fangs and the dependability of our Royal Knights. The range of our piercing fangs throws off a lot of our opponents, and the Royal Knights are well-known for their consistency. If you aren't extremely determined, you shouldn't go there if you don't want to put yourself in a position where you could cause a serious accident for yourself or someone else. To gauge how well it does in battle and during invasions, let's look at how it fares in these types of situations. We are going to tie it up with a pretty bow and hand it to you after we have finished wrapping it. The armor is something that we are very interested in.

Dodge. Oh, I see you're trying to stab me in the back here. That's a pretty good attempt. It's not impossible for them to do so. elden ring items's possible that the way this track is being tracked is actually a little bit too accurate for quick steps. Okay, that's out of the way. We like it. We had the impression that the game that would come after R1 would not be nearly as intriguing as it turned out to be; however, this turned out not to be the case. Why don't you propose that we travel together as a group? The Royal Knight is unwavering in his determination to negotiate a more reasonable selling price for it, and he has not wavered in this determination at all. This is in no way what one would anticipate to take place at all.

In spite of the fact that it is so out of the ordinary, it manages to exude an air of coolness despite all of that. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I think we can figure out a way to solve this problem. We like it too.

One of the knives is Eleanor's pole knife, if I may be so bold as to say so myself. In the context of this article, we are referring to it as a stapler, and not a piler as a point of clarification. It makes me sad to hear that. He has sepku.

One of the main reasons why we do not want to trade is because the amount of blood that will be accumulated in order to punish some injuries will be very significant. Because of this, we do not want to trade. Er (laughter).

Because of phallics, I was inches away from collapsing and losing all of my blood. I was in grave danger. This is a truly dire situation that we find ourselves in. If I'm being completely honest with you, you were able to see the ghost for a significant amount of time. In point of fact, we are of the opinion that we will most definitely bleed in the event that the jump attack is successful in landing in its entirety. This is because we are of the opinion that we will most certainly bleed. This is as a result of the fact that we are of the opinion that it will land in its totality. We have Fastow, who is doing an excellent job with the full radon role play and is absolutely killing it. He is a real asset to the team. You might want to ask something along the lines of, "What if we pass out, and then we hit very close to where we need to be?"Oh my goodness, that is much too close for anyone's comfort. Wet conditions are expected to prevail throughout the duration of the flight for all passengers. The duration of the journey was significantly longer than we had anticipated. To begin, it's a terrible plan to implement.  The speed at which Wet travels is way too rapid for my comfort level. To begin, it's a terrible plan to implement.  With a sickle that has wings attached to it, I've come to say hello to you. Absolutely nothing that we type will ever have the correct spelling.

We in no way, shape, or form had that idea in our heads at any point. Oh, the passage of time may be analogous to experiencing a number of different vertigos, such as lights that flicker and dance around or something along those lines. Oh, that is just so charming. Well, maybe We'm awake. Oh, you are absolutely correct; we were endeavoring to take a step backwards. Oh, and right at that precise moment, the severity of the frostbite started to increase. It is with deep regret that I must repeat this yet again.

We do not hold the belief that he will walk in; that much is certain. No, we do not believe that. It was discovered that the encouraging piece of news. Enter our last battle. We will show our respect for him by genuflecting to the ground before him. Hello,OK, let's go. The same guiding principle appears to be applicable to the Sephiroth, as far as I can tell. How could you possibly have anticipated that We would evolve into such a monstrous being?

It is up to you, Roychoo, to give Sephiroh frostbite and then to cause him to bleed, build, and eventually freeze.
