Notice: When I refer to Dwarven mines, I'll mention whether I am referring to the mining Guild. The Rune Mysteries quest is required to OSRS Gold be able mine rune/pure essence. Talk with Audbury after you've completed the quest in order to transfer to the pure essence/rune mine. There are many iron rocks found within the Dwarven mines that are located close to Falador. The mine to the north of Al-Kharid is also excellent for iron ore.
There are a variety of places to mine coal. North-west of Edgeville, you can find the 34-rock coal mine. (Downside is that the mine is out in the wild). South-west Lumbridge is also a possibility for mining coal. However the Dwarven mine with its mining guild is by far the most well-known mining location for coal.
South-west of Al-Kharid's lava maze north Crandor island and south Lumbridge are all places where you can mine mithril. They're located to the north from the Lava-Maze. Mining is a great skill that will quickly bring you cash! I would recommend it to everyone!
There are two types of cooking: cooking fish/meat and cooking bread/pies/stews/pizzas/cakes. Since raw fish and meats are likely to be sold at a greater cost than those cooked ones, it's not economically efficient to cook them. The reason for this is that some people prefer the cooking experience above the money so they will spend more money for raw fish. Cooking meat/fish is not profitable.
On the other hand cooking bread/pies/pizzas/stews/cakes is very profitable. They're very lucrative since you don't have to spend any money to Buy RS3 Gold make them. You'll need an oven (4 coins), potatoes (which you can get on the field for no cost), and meat (free). A stew bowl is worth 4 coins. You've just accumulated the sum of 159 coins. While it may not appear to be a lot, the amount quickly adds up.