Seeing as I stopped immediately

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They understand theres no way you can stop them ko them as soon as they get near you and OSRS gold also the possibility of a failed spec is loooooooow.

I initially made this thread onto the Runescape forums

Hi, have you ever thought about how the folks on Scaperune educated their skills? Can they have different skills? You can pick those! Simply write how all the folks on Scaperune would train their abilities. Try to make it as amusing as possible but not too wierd. For those who do not know what Scaperune is: Scaperune is the opposite of Runescape. There's only one way to get to Scaperune, through a random event. There are just two random events that will bring you there, and among them is just accessible when fishing. In these places, things are wacky and awakened. Prison Pete is the contrary of Party Pete from the party space, and on wicked's bob island, you catch fish cooked, and have to uncook them.

I challenge anyone who could be bothered, to carry 28 cooked shrimps on them constantly, and when they do eventually do this random, to uncook all of them and get 2 Uncooking! I wonder if you can fail to uncook something there, and end up with a super-rare"really raw" thing?

The very first thing I noticed was the tabbed banks, I had ~6m in things, luckly it was money rather than things, but still nothing compared to my prime of staking back into the afternoon. I then checked out the new pvp worlds, and now I have really gotta say I love a lot of the concepts but hate on some others, over all I still prefer the older wilderness - but I'm not complaining about pvp worlds.

I messed around in the pvp worlds for a few hours dying about 3 times and getting two kills, but hey I have not played in 2 years, following agitation by expiring I chose to go to barrows, reviewing the prices they've shuffled greatly, but they haven't really skyrocketed down - in my opinion a lot of items have exchanged values, so I had exactly the exact same probability of earning great gains as I did two decades ago.

Seeing as I stopped immediately after I got 94 mageI decided to really use it, so I did, watching as I didn't intend on playing after I simply mess around I purchased an ahrims robetop and mystic bottom and started shifting my way through the brothers, no observable nerfs or anything from what I could tell, and a few new methods I was happy about, 1 thing I loved about cheap RuneScape gold was how gamers could do what they could to apply side upgrades to combat minigames/PKing.
