How to Make Gold - World of Warcraft

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With our Top WOW Classic Gold Making Tips, you not only earn more gold but also keep it together better

With our Top WOW Classic Gold Making Tips, you not only earn more gold but also keep it together better. As a general rule: You should get the amount as fast as possible, as you can farm more effectively through the faster movement speed.


One of the best ways to make gold is to take up professions very early in the game, basically as soon as they are available. Gathering professions in particular are the best for making money. You'll want to pick two from Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning. Pick whichever you think will mesh the best with what profession you might want to do when you are level 60. Mining goes with Blacksmithing, Herbalism goes with Alchemy, and Skinning goes with Leatherworking.

You should do these while you level up, because your ability to obtain the resources is bound by your skill level in the particular gathering profession. In normal World of Warcraft, you can gather whatever you want and still gain skill points and obtain materials. In WoW Classic, you have to be a certain skill level to gather the resource.

Saving MoneyTime

Here's a few different methods just to save yourself gold and time while you are playing the game.

Find a Mage to Give You Food/Drink

Food and drink are pretty important, and you will likely always need some to recover your health and mana. Instead of purchasing it, try to befriend a Mage and have them craft it for you. If you don't have a friend or guild mate, there's players that will hang out in the main cities that will likely sell it to you at a fraction of the cost then you would spend at a vendor.

Don't Purchase Every Skill

When you are grabbing some new skills from the trainer, you don't need to grab every single one that's available. Only purchase the ones that you actually plan on using, there's a lot of skills that aren't useful at all or won't be useful for the build you are running.

Have a Bank Alt

Create a character you have no intention on leveling to prevent yourself from having to make long travels across the map to go to the bank or auction house. This will also save you some money on travel fees, and just generally save you a lot of time. Mail any items you want to store or sell on the auction house to this character.

Saving - Do not Waste ACopper Piece

This tip may sound profane but is essential especially in the level process: Do not spend a piece of copper, which you could also save. Do not buy food. Gather drinks and food from beverage kegs and food crates in settlements and dungeons, and as a player in a mana class ask befriended Mage for craft drinks and food.

Buy at the class trainer only skills that you will probably use often. It does not use the auction house for tempting offers for shopping, but only for the sale of items and resources.

Get big bags as fast as possible and collect everything you can find during quests and dungeon visits to sell gray items and pack everything from green items to the auction house. Use an addon like Vendor Price to see item selling prices with NPC merchants. Generally, addons are worthwhile to keep the overview in the game. We have you.

If your bags are full quickly, you decide which items you can throw out and which ones are worth selling. Make all quests in the starting area of your heroic people and continue pursuing quests that give you reputations in your people. Higher call levels significantly lower the purchase prices of all items at all merchants of your people!

Sell Like APro On Auction House

The auction house should be your second home. Sold there mainly between Friday and Sunday green (or better)Loot items and resources, as the weekend most players and potential buyers are on the go.

Bags, buff food, crafting supplies, and crafted armor made from specialty materials are always needed and can be sold well at not too exorbitant prices. Use an auction house add-on like "Auctioneer" to get an overview of popular prices and quickly find out where selling is most worthwhile.

So you get along when other players have set things very cheap compared to the average achievable price. Buy these and put them back into the auction house for a higher price. So you can also try to raise the base price for certain goods such as a particular craft resource and to monopolize the sale.

However, this requires a bit of patience, some capital, and regular visits! Alternatively, you play a twink as a pure banking character on level 5 and let him learn enchanting. Send this twink all the green items that you find in questing and do not need them yourself to disenchant them and put the collected materials into the auction house.


Fishing is often a very neglected skill, as many players are annoyed by the constant "staring at the blinker". But it's worth the while: Once you have reached higher fishing levels, you sell rare fish for a decent fee in the auction house.

For example, Alchemists need these fish:

Nightfin Snapper

Nightfin Soup

Stonescale Oil

Stonescale Eel

From this, they make basic materials. Chefs love to fish and shellfish of all kinds to make buff food. If you want to learn to cook yourself, fish is the cheapest resource - they only cost you time and patience.

On the side, you can fish very well. Here we fish in the wreckage, of which there are resources that you can not collect yourself, some bales of material or herbs.


Farm in your off-time. Farming comes in two forms: reagent farming and mob farming. Reagent farming is generally linked to a profession like Herbalism or Mining, but you can also reagent farm while mob farming as many mobs drop usable reagents regularly. When you have free time or want to do something different, consider farming reagents that can be turned into sellable items.

For reagent farming, all classes are generally equal. However, when we consider mob farming, some classes are far superior compared to others. Mages are likely the best mob farmers as they can farm almost anywhere, including in dungeons. This allows them to more rapidly pick up coin, cloth, reagents, greens, and even blues or epics (purples). Other classes that excel at mob farming are Priests (with Holy Nova), Hunters, Warlocks, Protection Paladins, and Elemental Shaman. Some players have even figured out methods to farm with other classes so always be on the lookout for tips in gold farming guides.

Buying WoW Classic Gold ?

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