In the end, rolling back the patch wasn't enough

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But that's also fundamentally one of the risks which you're taking when you remaster. These games were developed in a time when information and D2R Ladder Items multiplayer didn't enjoy the same popularity or ease of access that we have now, and it's difficult to be sure if some of that old infrastructure scales the way we think it might.

Sometimes , it works at times -- up to the point at which it all falls apart in a burning heap.Diablo 2: Resurrected's servers are crashing over as a result of "modern players' behaviour"Diablo II: Resurrected came out to widespread continuing server issues. Today, a Blizzard community manager gave information about the issue. He said it's in part a 20-year-old piece of code and partly some modern players' behavior.

Resurrected's server problems over the last couple of weeks have seemed to get worse. The result was a series of instances of server downtimes in the past week, and a global outage is attributed, Blizzard say, by a surge in traffic. "This was a new line of operation that our servers had not previously experienced, not even at launch," reads the post on the Blizzard forums.

The problem was further compounded by an upgrade we deployed earlier in order to improve the performance of game creation. These two elements increased the load on our database globally and caused it time out. We decided to roll back that Friday update that was previously released hoping to reduce the burden on our servers as we approached Sunday, while providing us with the time to look into the root cause."

In the end, rolling back the patch wasn't enough. Sunday saw an even greater increase in traffic, and the servers again crashed. On Monday, they were again down Cheap D2R Items. The linked article is very long and meticulously detailed in its explanation of the reasons for this happening.
