The reception of the final game of World of Warcraft Classic TBC has been mixed

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Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter is an extremely accurate visual DPS measure that will show you the amount of damage you as well as the rest of your group are performing by sorting through the combat log. If you're playing a game with a damage-dealing specialization with wow tbc classic gold, I cannot stress how vital it is to have Details. While it will help to improve your performance the tools it comes with are an absolute godsend, for example having the ability to look at the options for talents and items level of your party members.

WeakAuras 2

Perhaps the most complicated extension on this list, WeakAuras 2 is an engine that lets you display specific graphic elements on screen to indicate buffs, debuffs and other related status effects, instead of just overwhelming your eyes with number and graphs. There's an insane level of flexibility available, from using custom sounds (like Owen Wilson saying "Wow!") to class-appropriate visual cues. It can be a lot to absorb to comprehend, but the video guide by meralonne can get you started. The great thing with Weak Auras 2 is that, if you don't have the time to code your own custom templates You can download templates of other players. This website has an extensive list of built-in WeakAuras 2 scripts you can download.


You can guess the purpose of this addon. MoveAnything is an effective tool that lets you change every UI component, giving you complete control of not only your actions bars, but also your quest lists including portrait and minimap's location and more. If you've ever wanted to overhaul the entire UI of WoW It's a good starting point.


It is among the most well-known full conversion add-ons for World of Warcraft. ElvUI replaces each user interface element by a modern, sleek design that's more modern and user-friendly. The disadvantage, of course is eliminating the fantasy-themed UI entirely. Historically, you've always had have to download and install ElvUI manually. Although it's not too much of a task however, there are plenty of new addon managers coming up that let you upgrade it in conjunction with your other addons. If you do decide to stick with manually updating it, the benefits ElvUI can bring to the table can make the sacrifice worth it.

One of my favorite parts that I love about ElvUI is that it comes with an in-game setting process that will help you customize the UI to meet your specific needs. There are class-specific setups which emphasize the elements of the interface most important to your role and the settings offer lots of options to explore with wow tbc gold. I really like how the action bars function in ElvUI and its built-in addons mean you won't be required to install other addons , such as OmniCC. Beware of this, if want to use ElvUI start by installing it before bringing additional addons into the fold , as it won't always work well.
