I believe that Runescape should make a new f2p pursuit

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Flech: Flech drops consist of RuneScape gold her special resistent dragonhide. This set will have the highest magical protection in the game, period. The catch: If you are not wearing a ranging weapon, it is going to behave as black dragonhide. I believe that Runescape should make a new f2p pursuit but not just that.

When folks begin to get randomly murdered in Misthalin King Roald the Third asks you to learn exactly what's happening to his people. You conclude that it happens mostly across the road. In addition you here about a new man who just moved to Varrock who mutters alot and doesn't speak to others that frequently.

So that you decide to go and talk with him though he gets mad and kicks you out of his house. On your way out you odd words which aren't said in any areas you have been in. Then you walk along the paths that there is not any house near with your armor and you see something move. You catch a glimpse of something big and red with odd markings. You start to get scared so you run the first time. You go to find information about large red creatures.

There's one which you here about most and it is named Legion and is a demon. He has four demons that are look when needed. Legion and his fellow dolls are helpless when they are near some ruby necklace that is enchanted and Blessed. For this reason, you have to make the necklace and can be taught a new spell necklaces for your normal spell publication to enchant ruby necklaces by Gypsy Aris. *Once you proceed and proceed fish 15 swordfish then you want to cook them.

After you go and drop the swordfish north of Varrock castle. You then see Legion come get the swordfish and you are teleported by him. You end up in a dungeon and see only one door. Now you go through it and locate stairs and you go up them. If you come out that you look in one battle area with four smaller versions of Legion and buy RS gold detect you're in the middle of Lumbridge Swamp.
