Make sure that the purchase will only benefit us and not hit the wallet too hard. The benefits are also sought when buying intercom systems, often the potential buyer doubts whether this offer is the best on the market?
1) The choice of intercom.
The first and most basic point is not to chase the top model.
Before deciding on the choice, carefully examine all the features and characteristics of the intercom. It is possible that some features will not be necessary for you. There is no need to pay for something that you are not going to use in the future.
Also, study the past models of intercoms, they can be changed only the firmware device, you can flash yourself, or contact a special service for their installation.
2) Installation.
After choosing an intercom the consumer faces the question of installing the purchased product. Here you should prefer the company that sells and installs apartment intercoms.
So, in the case of product failure, the company will be fully responsible for the product itself and for its installation.
You will not get into the situation where the installer will blame the malfunction on the intercom. And the installer company will replace the product and install it so that the system works properly.