What is darknet?

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The Dark Web is the third layer of the Internet, after the Visible Web and the Deep Web. Here is a general description of each layer of the Internet:

Visible network
The visible web, or clear web, is the part of the internet that you can access at any time using common browsers (such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.). It includes all indexed pages that can be found through a regular Google search. You can only see the information that the site administrator wants to show, which means you will not be able to access files in the backend, account pages and archives.

For example, on the Visible Web, you can view products from online stores (such as eBay). However, you will be limited in what you can see and do until you log into your account - this is where the Deep Web begins.

Deep Web
The Deep Web is a private layer that is often password protected. This is the largest part of the network, which occupies about 96% of the Internet. You won't be able to access Deep Web pages through regular search because search engines don't index such pages - this layer of the internet is only available to users with a specific link or login details.

This category includes cloud drives, account pages on different sites, medical records, bank card data, reports, and other similar pages. In most cases, you will need a specific URL and password to enter the Deep Web pages. For example, your company's database might be in the Deep Web.

The Dark Web and the Deep Web are different concepts, although people often use the two terms interchangeably.

The dark web is the third layer of the internet and is the hardest to discover. It consists of sites that cannot be accessed through normal browsers. Through them, you can access the Visible Web and the Deep Web, but you will need a special program to use the dark web. The most popular dark web browser is Tor; but there are other networks - Freenet, Riffle and I2P. On the dark web, you can find both legal and illegal sites and activities, as it is not regulated in any way.

Tor and other dark web browsers provide limited protection - even your ISP can see that you are using the dark web. This is because browsers only act as gateways to enter the dark web and provide access to a particular network. Your personal data will still be vulnerable to prying eyes, hackers, and cybercriminals, but you can add an extra layer of security if you use the dark web over a VPN connection.

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