In the event that you had the cash then congratulations

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The way to use the clan system or How to OSRS gold make a clan IN RuneScape. To make a clan go and talk to Calladin. You may find him at the lobby of Clan Wars. Speak to him and select the option,"I wish to make my own clan." He will answer: Okay then. Tell me what will your clan be like.

And also an interface will appear asking you to enter information on your clan. It'll look like this: Type your desired Clan title and initials, select your clans wilderness capes colour, type the minimal and maximal combat requirements (if you want only a minimal requirement then in the maximal, write"138") and press"Accept". You will need 5,000gp to create a clan. In case you won't have the 5,000gp on your stock the display will be shut and Calladin will tell you that you do not have sufficient money.

In the event that you had the cash then congratulations, you've made your own clan. You need 5,000gp because thats the charge to get a clan guild. Whenever you make a clan you automatically receive a clan guild that you can get from the Rimmington POH portalsite. Later you can move it to different areas. If you want to change your clans details, talk to Calladin again, but you'll need 1,000gp. Now when you want to invite someone into buy RS gold your clan, right click the individual and select"Add to clan". 1 participant can only have one clan at a time. Not two, not three not any other amount compared to one.
