Bigg Boss is an Indian reality television game show that airs on Colors TV. It is based upon the original Spanish version of Big Brother, which was produced by Endemol and hosted by television presenter David Letterman. The show is hosted by Sandhya Mridul and Rahul Kohli, who is assisted by two celebrity housemates, who are replaced each week. Big boss 16 went on air from 7th August to 11th August
Bigg boss 16 is one of the most popular shows on TV right now and every week we love watching it as much as you do! So tell us what you think- what do you love about Bigg boss 16? Which Khatron Ke Khiladi contestant are you most excited about this season?
Bigg boss 16 is the best entertainment show in the world. The show has eight contestants and they are divided into two teams - Blue Team and Red Team. The winner of the season will be one who manages to have authority within a team, wins most challenges, and gets maximum points from judges.