How can WOW players get rid of the balance of disadvantages

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Our guild didnt want to get rid of the underdog balance really, we highly appreciated world pvp and having alliance to experience. The issue was with classic wow gold decided to spend their time. And I know this behavior discouraged, although I am not saying there was not horde that did the same thing. This is toxic, this is exactly what makes people not enjoy playing a game.

Running into BRM certain there will be guilds. The worst I've ever had was 4 death. Sure I lost world fans and lost maybe 20 minutes of time, not a huge thing. It has taken to a different level as soon as your GUILD DZ camped there and made sure to mind control the identical man over and over for 2-3 hours not letting them get near the BWL enterance. This is poisonous, which was YOU.

World pvp is fine, camping brm is nice, dispelling world buffs shitty but fine(Minus individuals doing it for 6-8 hours) It's not about morale from dropping world supervisors, its not about being out numbered, its not about losing a few planet pvp fights or even all of them. It's about people ruining what ought to be enjoyable day after day after day. Don't pretend like DZ wasnt guilty of being toxic and helping to make a place nobody enjoyed playing anymore. Fusion was right there with you guys, along with the discord was worse, the quantity of horrible things said in there was disgusting. As I saidwe didnt want to leave but viewing alliance guild leaders say stuff like they will make life even worse for your horde that do remain doesnt really make anyone want to remain there.

Want to stop wasting money of your guildies? Stop blaming Blizzard and begin trying to to be better. Kill the opposing faction, dispell their fans but realize there's a point in which you move from just playing a video game to consciously doing whatever you can to ruin the night(PLUS the 3 hours they waited in queue) of somebody on the other side just because you think it was amusing. Mains are still. I think this confirms it is not merely pvp on a pvp kingdom, it is something.

One of the arguments that makes more sense (to me) in this debate is that there is (nearly ) always a way to fight against buy Burning Crusade Classic Gold. If you can't do it alone, just call more folks in. This can create huge conflicts between guilds, where world pvp is the very enjoyable, and that's. So, someone dispelling world buffs for 8 hours could be a pitiful excuse for a human being. Or, they could only be hoping that somebody comes and attempts to prevent them, which would create world pvp. Which would be very, very unlikely, I agree, but it's still possible.
