Rsgoldfast - Once you complete the outside of the boat

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Now the frame itself may be three distinct sizes. Small frames price 10k, Moderate frames price 50k and RS gold Large frames price 100k. Nowadays you start nailing the boards on into the frame until you have completed the framework. You will need about 100 planks complete to finish the outside of the boat. As your level advances, you will have the ability to add more to your boat. You are able to increase size of your boat or even purchase more than 1 ship. Consider it. An entire armada of ships under your control (If you're loaded at least).

Once you complete the outside of the boat you need to work on the inside. You can cover a work team to build decks, crew cabins (Crews will be clarified later) and different rooms (Most kinds of construction rooms). You need planks to create this and additionally now you can utilize metal bars. 1 thing you should have at all times is that a wheel that comes with the framework. Once you get this done you can go down a ladder and start construction chambers.

Medium ship has 2 lower decks along with the massive boat has up to 3 lower decks. Now in the event that you wish to employ a crew you may. They are similar to servants in construction but preform different jobs. There's a navigator, cook, cannon-man (Operates weapons in mini-game - clarified later) or even a repairman to fix you ship. To support you crew you want to pay them cash and provide them crew-quarters to sleep in. Now when you head out to sea you can also store supplies such as food and drinks including alchohal.

Now once you head out to sea you cannot be attacked by other players ships however you could be stopped and searched by a patrol vessel. They will board your boat to ensure you aren't smugiling weapons or people. But you can have passengers that will pay a fare up to 10k depending upon how big your ship. BTW You CANNOT Summon Familiars or anything else.

You cannot bring any pets onto your or anybody else's boat. When you get from your boat and don't come back on for a little while, then your boat and crew will only stay in the port. No one can board your boat, your team can not leave, if you don't fire them you don't cover them or buy RuneScape gold they do not like the conditions on the ship - Not enough food, overly little sleeping quarters etc..
