Wrecking Ball converts five-yard runs into 50-yard games because halfbacks can wipe out the linebacker who is responsible for stopping them Mut 23 Coins. These runs up the middle suddenly require lots of help, which then helps the entire offense get better matches.
The most effective defensive linemen don't only rack up tackles and sacks; they try to turn the ball over by stripping the ball loose. This is a relatively rare phenomenon; even the best defensive players can't manage more than the handful of forced fumbles during the course of a game.
Avalanche completely throws off this balance, however. Hit sticks will ensure that the ball is forced to move, as long as the tackle is taken towards the line of scrimmage. This may sound odd however, taking an opponent outside of the line of scrimmage could in all likelihood never be done using the help of a hit stick since the defensive player will be behind the ball's carryer. Simply put that hits stick tackles cause fumbles all the time.
The X-Factor feature helps to keep the run off and the pass at the same time. Even if corners don't play on blitzing or Buy Mut Coins Madden 23 a lineman doesn't plan on being covered The two parts of this benefit are worthwhile to pick it up.