Everything to Know About Standing Desks

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When you're convinced of the merits of a standing desk, the next logical step is to figure out how to request a standing desk from work.

For most of us, requesting anything from work takes a bit of forethought. When you're convinced of the merits of a standing desk, the next logical step is to figure out how to request a standing corner desk from work.

Fortunately, requesting a standing desk from work has become commonplace at many companies – even places where it wasn't a common request just a few years ago. If you're lucky, your boss or HR contact may already know the benefits, and may even have a process in place.

stand up desk

Once an office novelty, standing desks take over our workplaces and home offices. An adjustable desk is the best way to add movement to a long workday for some people. For others, they reduce the discomfort of sitting all day, or allow flexibility to perform different types of work. Particularly for people who suffer from lower back or neck pain, having the ability to adjust positions can help alleviate the discomfort.

That said, there are plenty of people who do not want to stand at work, or certainly not all the time. Standing all the time can result in stress injuries or vascular issues. The sweet spot is generally somewhere in the middle – standing occasionally, with opportunities to sit and vary posture as well.

stand up desks

What materials are standing desks made from?

Materials define the overall style of the standing l shape desk and its durability. The materials of construction have a lot to do with whether the desk will last a year or hold up to daily use for decades to come.

Standing desk leg materials range from steel to wood to polymer plastic. Work surfaces can be made from solid hardwoods like walnut, soft sustainable woods like bamboo, plastics, or laminated substrates. For production workshops or for a completely industrial look, some manufacturers offer a stainless steel standing desk. In most cases, the strength of stainless steel is reserved for the desk legs, which may be powder coated to achieve different colors and textures, but specialized desks that are constructed entirely of metal are used in production workshops.

Due to offshoring in the furniture industry in recent decades, standing desks in the USA are harder to find than those made elsewhere. Some standing desks source materials from different countries for an even higher quality end product.

To make your best case, consider these points so you'll be ready to address them:

What is the advantage of a sit stand desk with drawer for you?

Be prepared with the main reason you want a standing desk. If it's related to discomfort from sitting or to a medical need like back pain, you'll likely have a strong point. And if you have used a standing desk before and found that it helped, you'll definitely want to include that information.

What do standing desks cost?

Research the general cost of standing desks and get an idea of where your preferred model falls on the spectrum.

What is the best standing desk for your request?

Understand what the different stand up desk options are, and what desk you want. When you're presenting your request, try to limit your suggestions to a few choices.

best stand up desk

How and where does the standing desk fit in your space?

If your cubicle neighbor might object to you peering over the wall, see if there is a way to rearrange your space to maintain harmony.

What industries or professions benefit the most from standing desks?

Any desk-based work can adapt to an adjustable desk. A standing desk is a common perk in tech industries, led by Google (which offers them as part of its wellness program), Facebook, Apple, and various Silicon Valley companies. Other tech workers, including web designers, software developers, and the like are some of the earliest adopters of a standing desk with keyboard tray.

Creative workers like artists, architects, designers, and product designers who work collaboratively also see adaptability as one of the stand up desk advantages.

Other workers who can work most comfortably with a sit stand desk include:

Writers and editors

Finance, marketing, account management, PR, and sales

Business consultants and recruiters

Accountants and clerical staffRetail staff

Receptionists, office managers, and directors

Students and teachers

A home office standing desk is an increasingly common sight, as the number of home office setups – whether a separate room or a separate corner – has ballooned. Many of these models are designed as standing desks for small spaces.



