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This reveal led Redditor FatNWackyRS to contact Outriders on r/Outriders to share a message on Mod Osborne with the intention of describing him as the "warm, friendly "Dad" face of Jagex." FatNWackyRS describes everything Mod Osborne has done for the community over time, including some clips OSRS Gold For Sale, like appearing as Mod Elfborne to promote Prifddinas (an Elf City in Runescape) in livestreams, joining and assisting with the company's vision.

While some communities or gamers would be upset about losing a prominent company image, FatNWackyRS invited other Runescape players to discuss their experiences. One of the commenters feels like they've won and lost in their time playing with both Runescape along with Outriders. Many were excited by the news, some of whom were not familiar with Osborne before, thanks to this glowing review from one of the Runescape community.

The exact details of what will happen on his part of the Outriders fence remains to be determined, however fans can be assured that plenty of exciting things are coming towards the field. Outriders' Worldslayer expansion is set to be revealed sometime this spring.

It's scheduled to be released in the year ahead as well as beyond. People Can Fly has a number of other projects in the work--including another game that is being developed by Square Enix. It is unclear if Osborne will be involved with that cheap runescape 3 gold, it's to be determined.
