This is likewise the case it is in RuneScape

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With Malcolm quite candid about his inspirations and his inspiration, word soon spread around Jagex that fan-made game based on the company's own MMO OSRS Buy Gold. A staff member flagged it to management, who subsequently approved it, with manager of product development Chris Pfeiffer telling us his team was impressed with "how much had been achieved and how closely it aligned with RuneScape."

"The idea behind Melvor Idle is in tune with our primary values regarding what makes live games -- it was a perfect match for us," the CEO says. "Furthermore the idea of giving someone from our community this chance is a great motivator for everyone at the office."

Pfieffer and his team members The group of Pfieffer and colleagues have tried Melvor Idle themselves and loved it enough to have reached out to Malcolm and discussed the potential of working in partnership in the first quarter of 2021.

"From the first conversation we realized that Brendan shares Jagex's philosophy of game that is based on community, and has done a fantastic job in creating a vibrant and vibrant crowd in the area of Melvor Idle. It's not often that you find such a natural fit when you're looking in the market for opportunities to be published, but Brendan along with Melvor Idle are precisely that buy rs 2007 gold, and we embraced the opportunity to help both him and the game with all our heart.
