Contrasts between ISO 14001 and ISO 50001

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See additionally the article Catalog of natural perspectives to figure out which viewpoint ISO 14001 considers

ISO 14001 Certification Services in Bahrain (Environmental Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for Use), assists associations with overseeing parts of their activities that can affect the climate. Models incorporate water and materials use, garbage removal, air discharges and energy use. Energy use regularly has critical ecological effects, including exhaustion of normal assets (gas, oil, petroleum products), ozone harming substance emanations and a worldwide temperature alteration. See additionally the article Catalog of natural perspectives to figure out which viewpoint ISO 14001 considers.


ISO 50001 (Energy Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for Use), interestingly, assists associations with improving their energy execution. A few clients have asked why ISO 50001 was vital when energy use, as a natural angle, is as of now shrouded in ISO 14001.


The extent of the guidelines

The two guidelines give an efficient way to deal with safeguarding the climate through approach, targets and activity intended to accomplish planned results. In any case, the two norms have various degrees: ISO 14001 Implementation in Oman has a more extensive extension covering every natural viewpoint. ISO 50001 river in on energy use, covering plan and obtainment rehearses for gear, frameworks, cycles and faculty that sway energy execution. ISO 14001 covers these as well, yet just in everyday terms, and to the degree that they sway in general natural execution.


How do they vary in the design?

The two guidelines depend on the natural Plan-Do-Check-Act model. Be that as it may, the designs are presently altogether different on the grounds that ISO 50001 was displayed on the almost outdated ISO 14001:2004, which has since been overhauled to ISO 14001:2015. For additional about that progress,


Arranging, activity and checking

For an auto carport with mechanics leading vehicle fixes, ISO 14001 would expect them to recognize that such work might bring about oil spillages which could cause land corruption. The workers should know how to forestall or limit mischief to the climate by carrying out controls, for example, the establishment of an oil interceptor and a profluent treatment cycle to treat the polluted water before discharge. The emanating treatment plant itself would require related perspectives and effects, (for example, groundwater contamination from spillages during capacity and transportation, air contamination from outflows because of compound responses and slop and waste oil removal) to be distinguished and controlled. Controls could incorporate bunded stockpiling tanks, and the treated profluent quality should be checked before discharge.


An association utilizing a ton of energy could pick ISO 50001. Assuming that they utilize electroplating showers to cover metal items, they might lay out an objective to further develop their energy effectiveness. An Energy execution marker (EnPI) (expected by Clause 4.4.5) would be how much energy is expected to create a unit (energy power). They would initially quantify the energy utilization per unit throughout a particular time-frame to lay out an energy pattern (Clause 4.4.4). This would be utilized to quantify the viability of their mediations, considering factors that drive utilization, like creation volume. They could then introduce innovation to increment yield per unit of energy, and screen the EnPI over the long run.


Despite the fact that ISO 14001 Certification in Saudi Arabia doesn't need, or allude to a same "Ecological Review", it is important to direct a comparable interaction (examined in Annex A to ISO 14001:2015, provision A6.1.2, Environmental perspectives) to lay out a 'gauge' or beginning stage.


Distinction in insight

Since ISO 50001 spotlights streamlining energy utilization, it's straightforwardly connected to lessening energy costs. In this way, it's simple so that leaders might be able to see the advantages of ISO 50001. In its presentation, ISO 14001:2015 notices that one potential point is "accomplishing monetary advantages." Still, numerous associations see ISO 14001 as a commitment, either forced by closely involved individuals, or a self-inflicted encumbrance valuable as a showcasing device. Consequently for ISO 50001, the indifferent methodology applied to ISO 14001 is frequently supplanted by greater responsibility and contribution from top administration in light of the fact that the impact on their main concern is clear.



ISO 50001 has a more requesting rundown of required reported data than ISO 14001 Registration in Bangalore, including an energy arranging process, energy survey including approach and standards, benchmark, EnPIs and energy buying determinations. To dive deeper into this point, check the article List of compulsory records expected by ISO 14001:2015.


ISO 14001 versus ISO 50001 - Which one to go for and how to choose?

Which standard you need to utilize relies upon the association's expected results. Every standard can exist without the other, or both can coincide and be coordinated together. The association executing ISO 50001 likely has a current ISO 14001 framework dealing with a wide range of natural issues, however they need to focus on enhancement of energy utilization and cost investment funds.


As of the finish of 2016, the business area with the biggest number of ISO 50001 certificates was essential metal and manufactured metal items (12.1%), trailed by food items, refreshments and tobacco (9.3%), with elastic and plastic items practically connected third spot to synthetic compounds, substance items and filaments. (8.8%).


Our Advice

If you’re looking for ISO 14001 Services in Kuwait. You can write to us at or visit our official website as we are ISO Certification Consultant Companies in Kuwait. Certvalue and provide your contact details so that one of our certification experts shall contact you at the earliest to understand your requirements better and provide best available service at market.
