Women who were fun to buy gold classic wow

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Only from Classic vouchers alone, Blizzard could not be considered a little company. I don't think you quite understand just how much of classic wow gold this botting problem just boils down to utter fail from Blizzard.

Only from Classic vouchers alone, Blizzard could not be considered a little company. I don't think you quite understand just how much of classic wow gold this botting problem just boils down to utter fail from Blizzard.

You make it seem like it is going to take a group of 30 rocket engineers to ban a single botter while, in reality, it is actually quite a simple job for a single person to do.

Literally all it takes is 2 people to oversee a couple of servers and then the botting issue is under control.

Yes they can, and I am tired of these Blizzard apologetics stating"well you have to undertand that blablabla". No. Classic is insanely profitable and botting is ruining the game. It isn't too expensive to employ a couple of people to correct this problem.

Blizzard gave us the game we want, the participant base however has totally fucked it up though. The men and women who were fun to buy gold classic wow play and played for fun and laughs left about P5, all we have left is this crap.I know of numerous people on welfare which purchase gold even though they have the time to farm whatever they may need.

Ya, your right. What am I thinking, those people who purchase gold are so chill and cool. I should go out and purchase fake money for real currency.

It is slightly different. You see, people buying gold usually eventually purchase it from spiders, thus supporting the bot market.
