Tips And Tricks For Growing Weed For Beginners

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Are you interested in marijuana cultivation but don't know how or where to start? Don't worry; most people who wish to get into this field need to be more knowledgeable at first. But don't be overwhelmed; we are here to help.

Having a list of dos and don'ts can help you curb a lot of pitfalls that can come your way. Growing Marijuana Seeds Texas can be easy if you do your research well beforehand.

This article will discuss the important key points you should keep in mind when starting as a weed grower. We have listed down below the important points that will help you in the journey of growing Cannabis.

1- Get the light right 

When your plant is in the state between germination and flowering, they are busy in the process of photosynthesis. This is the time when you should keep your plant in the light for as much as 18-22 hours. And as the plant goes through the flowering stage, the light should be reduced.

2- Ventilation

You need to ensure that the plant's space is well-ventilated. The airflow not only helps in preventing the burn of nutrients, but it also helps in keeping mold at bay. The space with less airflow is more prone to pests and insects.

3- Less fertilizer 

It would be best if you kept in mind that when it comes to fertilizer, less is more for weed. Fertilizer is like multivitamins for plants; they provide the right amount of nutrition to the plant but don't go overboard with it. It can overkill the plant; after all, weed is called weed for a reason.

4- Choose the right soil 

The composition of the soil the weed is growing in matters a lot. Plants get water and nutrients from the soil, which is the medium through which it grows; hence it is important you choose the right soil for your plant.

5- Do your research 

Not every cannabis strain is the same; you must research them beforehand. Ensure that you are well-versed with information about the strain before you start. It can help you determine what strain would be best for you based on your requirements.

6- Be gentle

Your plants are like your child; hence, as a pant parent, you need to be gentle with them. They are young babies that need TLC from you. You need to ensure that there is no shock to the plant and therefore make small adjustments when needed.

To wrap up

Make sure to keep the points mentioned above in mind when you are purchasing marijuana seeds Texas. Ensuring that the plant grows correctly can help you have the best yield. There are many seed banks out there where you can purchase seeds. We recommend you check out Weed Seeds USA for all your seed needs. They provide you with a variety of options at various prices.
