How to get ISO 22000 and grow your business ?

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Food safety is highly important for the health and safety of the consumers.Nutritious and hygienic food is preferred by everyone around the globe

.ISO 22000 Registration in South africa is a detailed procedure which certifies the quality of food.It ensure the food is fit for consumption.The food manufacturer must guarantee that the products complies with the food safety , food quality and regulations.It is important to know about the laws about food safety of the manufacturing country and the intended destination.The food product must be free from pesticide residues, heavy metals, toxic chemicals and so on.All the information regarding the additives,preservatives and artificial flavour and colours should be printed on the label.The calories and the nutrition details of the product should be provided to the consumer.The food should be prepared in a neat and hygienic environment.It should not contain impurities and adulteration. Food adulteration can be a potential risk to the health of the consumer.It can damage the brand value and consumers do not prefer to buy adulterated food products.Food adulteration can cause penalty and damage to the brand reputation.All the food production premises and process need to be in according to the government food and safety rules and regulation.Food should be prepared in a clean hygienic environment.It should not contain bacteria, fungus, microbes, and other harmful substances.Food should not contain hair,nails , dust and other contaminants.Food manufactured should be safe for human consumption.The company should read about all the laws pertaining to food and apply the same in the manufacturing process.ISO 22000 Registration in Philippines ensures the food products comply with the requirements of the consumer.Understanding the needs of the customer can help increasing the business and also helps to focus on the target audience needs and can help to stand ahead of the competitors.The food manufacturing organization should make a list of the consumer’s requirements.It helps to understand the buyer’s persona.This will indeed enhance the sales and turnover of the company.Water used in the organization must be free from microbes.Food safety measures should be implemented in all organizations irrespective of their size.Food safety training is essential for the employees to know about the importance of food safety.This training can be done through mails, meeting ,seminar and webinar. Training should be provided on a regular basis and the training topics should be updated on a regular basis according to the latest industry standards.Internal audit should be done on a periodic basis to understand the gaps  and improvise accordingly.It ensures food safety outbreaks are not there.It is aligned with the quality control and quality management system.ISO food safety generates a lot of revenue to the organisation by adding value to the brand image.It is applicable to food manufacturing , catering ,food packaging manufacturing , feed and animal food production, wholesalers , supermarkets , retailers.


Our Advice:

If you’re looking for ISO 22000 Certification in iraq.You can write to us at or visit our official website as we are ISO Certification Consultant Companies in Iraq.Cert Value and provide your contact details so that one of our certification experts shall contact you at the earliest to understand your requirements better and provide the best available service in the market.
