The reasons you need a healthy home inspection and a professional prepurchase inspection

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New Zealand is counted among the world's friendliest countries. It ranks among the world's top countries in terms of education, quality of life, economic freedom, etc. The service sector and tourism are among the top contributors to the country's GDP. Many people from the

New Zealand is counted among the world's friendliest countries. It ranks among the world's top countries in terms of education, quality of life, economic freedom, etc. The service sector and tourism are among the top contributors to the country's GDP. Many people from the Pacific region migrate to New Zealand for employment purposes, a great public health system, quality of life, etc. New Zealand is considered to be a major power in the Asia-Pacific region. The unique New Zealand cuisine is a unique mix of the native Maori cuisine, Asian cuisine, and European cuisine and is very highly regarded. In 2017, the New Zealand Parliament passed the Healthy Homes Act to improve the quality of New Zealand rental homes. The specifications were set in 2019, covering all aspects of rental properties, from heating to ventilation, moisture ingress to insulation, and drainage and draught stopping. 

Healthy Home Inspection Services

This Healthy Homes Report identifies the home elements that need repairs, maintenance, changes, etc., in order for it to comply with the Healthy Homes Guarantee Act 2017. A healthy home inspection identifies the improvement areas of the home and applies primarily to properties rented out to tenants. It requires the landlords to ensure that the home is adequately insulated, has a good heating source that will keep the home warm and dry, has proper moisture ingress, has clean drainage, draught-stopping equipment, etc. The landlords must ensure that their rental complies with HHS standards within 90 days of a new tenancy. This is where the HHS or the Healthy Homes Inspection Services. In the Home Inspection Services, the home is photographed in detail and time and date-stamped. The healthy home report identifies the improvement areas and elucidates the steps required to make the home 100 percent HHS compliant.  

Prepurchase inspection

It is said that every buyer should consider the cost-to-benefit ratio of their purchase before making a purchase decision. According to financial experts, the buyer must ensure that they are getting exactly what was promised by the seller. A pre-purchase inspection ensures that the property you buy is not plagued with undeclared damaged areas, broken areas unknown to the buyer that need immediate repairs, etc. The prepurchase inspection identifies the repairs and maintenance jobs required on the property. The prepurchase inspection of the property you intend to buy can also get you a proper written estimate for repairs, maintenance, etc. A bona fide prepurchase inspection report may also be asked for by the financial institution financing your purchase. In short, the pre purchase inspection of a building allows you to know the exact condition of the house so that you do not have to spend money on repairs and maintenance on your purchased property that you did not know about. When you book a prepurchase inspection, ensure that you get quotes from multiple parties. 

If issues are identified at a property, the experienced eye of the pre-purchase inspection agencies can also provide suggestions for solving the repair-related issues of the home. They can provide valuable insights where the buyer minimizes their risk of running into expensive and unplanned repairs.



