They have their market of whales

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 Most games which run on unreal has really good gameplay, do not think PES devs do not see fans complaining. I think that they're attempting to capitalise on that. I will be prepared to make a switch in a heartbeat if PES brand new gameplay provides a realistic, fun and fluid experience. However, MyTeam is even worse than FUT in terms of P2W and Mut 21 coins articles. With bigger player base they could improve faster IMO. What incentive would be? People today have a tendency to forget that PES is printed by Konami who are even scummier shils compared to EA themselves... Still a little competition for EA would always be more rewarding for its players.

In an ideal world maybe, doubt EA would care. They have their market of whales who spend tens of thousands every year and casuals who purchase it just because. I wouldn't be surprised if at these years we receive a"free" version of FUT with extreme P2W elements, sort of similar to buy mut coins madden 21 the one which PES releases every year. The PES commentary is absolute shite though. I really don't need to play as Manchester red, in the euro cup. Everyone has been saying pes will require over every season and it does not. You're posting on a fifa subreddit, not a pes. This proving that fifa isn't moving anyplace.
