On the upside, this led several community performers to wow gold classic put together some thoughts of how they think the mounts might look. You can see a great deal of the different designs on Wowhead's article about it. 1 intriguing thing worth noting is that there is a wide variance in what each bracket looks like. This is precisely the issue with only giving us a description and no artwork to know what the blizzard artists are believing; there is just a vast range of interpretations. Unfortunately, regardless of what the artists were thinking, the mounts are unlikely to look like any of these concepts, because that would get into a whole bunch of legal boondoggles.
As for me, I'd like to get the Curious Caterpillar because I don't have some other mount anything whatsoever like it. Additionally, it will probably fit in well in Ardenweald, and that's where I will be spending a great deal of time. Though truthfully, as a Druid, I am unlikely to use it much, so it would most likely be relegated to cheap wow classic gold my alts. Another frustrating part of this vote is that there are different polls in different regions, and I can only see the one within my area. So, though it resembles the Wandering Ancient is winning, that understands how it's going from the other regions?
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