Why did natures reach this stage?

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That some conspiracy theoryists claim to exist on OSRS gold

Many of us made threads in Recent Updates asking why and Fmods hid them all with the reasoning of"This forum is just for updates recorded on the home page" That is total bs as it's IS a recent upgrade, what else would you call it? That is my take on it: I see Jagex's motive supporting the character rune update but I disagree with it because it is the cause of the issue and it sets a terrible precedent for future updates. First 200M magic exp is more than 3 million alchs when a player did click his mouse that many times he deserves to make 2gp an alch.

But that's beside the.point. Why did natures reach this stage? Simply the source outweighed demand. What's that? When there were just legit players rc'ing the market was stable but today using the hoards of bots there are so many it has smothered the demand THE very same REASONS that resulted in the current epidemic will create a few months the runes hitting the alch worth . Then what? Lower the alch value ? Sometime when the status quo was left unchanged the market would have been MORE secure only because they'd be alched thus doubling the demand, one had to throw the spell and you to alch as oppesef to one to cast the spell and then another thing to alch.

Part of the logic was"it is a negative affect on yew longbows etc" well, if those DID drop, if they went to their high alch cost, they'd be equally as hot to alch since they would benefit to, gamers would have many different options to pick from to maximize profit by a Gp or two. The precedent. Or simply take OVLDS the expense to Buy RS gold make one has halved in recent months does this mean we could expect an update to them since they are intended to be expensive pots?
